Any reviews Grand Casino in Mille Lacs, Minnesota


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of the buffet? I heard it was pretty good.

Edit: I got a PM. If an Admin could delete this that would be great.
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Hey Blue

Blue Efficacy said:
The buffet is fair to good, depending on luck.

The pen is bad to good, also depending on luck.
I love their Sea Food Buffet, King Crap Legs, Hmmmmmmm.;)


Those Band members having a good time...You, Me, and Itake.:grin:



Heck yeah take advantage!
Whats minimal play?
I have played there a few times. Always seem to do well and take some of their $$. Maybe they dont want me back.
Only comp was for some room and match play for sat. before the superbowl.....i had to leave that morning....
nothing else. Oh well....

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
First time I played there with a card i played for a few hours with a max bet of $40. I don't go there very often because of the drive, but the coupons keep coming.