ANy tips on remembering some of the non-intuitive Basic Strategy?


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
I'm particularly having trouble with 9,9 and A,7.
99 isnt so hard. Split 2-9 except 7. A7 you double 3-6 if possible, otherwise stand 2-8 and hit 9-A.

Learning soft hands is easier if you learn them in pairs. Learn A2 and A3 together, then A4 and A5 together, and A6 and A7 together. Only learn A6 and A7 together for doubling. You'll just have to learn A7 by itself.

Here is how I learnt the soft hands:

A2 and A3 as one.
A4 and A5 as one.
A6 and A7 as one. (doubling)
A7 by itself.
A8 and higher as one.

So you only need to memorize 5 lines and you know all the soft hands.


Well-Known Member
For 9,9, I eventually just figured out a reasoning for it that made sense: Basically assume that you and the dealer get tens on all draws. For 2-6, you're playing the dealer's bust, so put more money on the table. For 7, you're assuming that the dealer will get a 17, so keep the 18 to lock in the win. vs 8 or 9, you are again trying to either tie or beat dealers 18 and 19. And with dealer 10 or A, you're going to lose, so don't bother.