any1 goto Hard Rock Tampa lately


Well-Known Member

nothing else around me <noob

advice freely given is freely taken :grin:
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Well-Known Member
As I recall, the rules were mediocre at best, and the penetration wasn't very good. If it's all you have around, have at it, but you'll have to play very aggressively to win.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
...and the rules have even deteriorated since you were there, JD! All tables on the main floor are now H17. And noRSA. And no LS. Not to mention pen pretty uniformly set at 6 or 6.5/8. And even on a Wednesday morning, the lowest minimum on a shoe game is $15. Classy.


Well-Known Member
Yuck. I don't remember if it was H17/S17 when I was there, but it was definitely no surrender.

I flagrantly back counted, jumped in and out, sat out hands, and spread like crazy (0-2x20+), knowing I'd probably never be back. No noted heat at all, and had a great win.

But I happened to be in town for other reasons. I wouldn't recommend that anyone go out of their way to play there if they were just counting.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was S17 before. It still is in the high-limit room, where you can pay a min of $100 a hand (or $500, if you'd like) on a S17 4.5/6 DAS noRSA noLS with NMSE! Not to mention a floorperson at every table. The drinks are significantly more expensive in there, too (no comps, of course). Instead of going to the Seminole Hard Rock to count cards, I'd advise having your friend steal your wallet (to get the thrill that you'd experience by playing at Hard Rock) and use your credit card to buy you a plane ticket to a place where they have real games.

The future of blackjack in FL is uncertain—or, at least in the sense that the Seminoles and the State have to pretend like it is so they can do the usual dance—so I'm sure they're just trying to milk every last penny out of the games that they can. As a very clever move, they also began promoting "$10 blackjack 24/7." Needless to say, they're CSM games.

Final gripe about this dump: the billboards that they use to advertise blackjack have a jack in sunglasses holding a guitar and doing the sign for "I love you," ostensibly as an attempt to make him look "rock and roll." Nice try, guys.



Active Member
Take the drive to Biloxi. You will more than make up for your expenses than trying to play with those greedy injuns.


Well-Known Member
popcorn said:
what do u exactly mean by crappy game? details will be appreciated:confused:
I got Hard Rock Hollywood here where I am, 8 decks, shitty pen, high minimums for better rules. The only S17, good pen, and 6 deck games are high stakes with a min. of $100.... You can backcount and Wong, but you'll be there for a while, and time is money.... I've been successful there winning some $6,000, but I went into a coma afterwards, and the last President I remember was Kennedy :) Not to mention I got really, stupid, lucky....


Well-Known Member
Lonesome Gambler said:
Yeah, it was S17 before. It still is in the high-limit room,
We have S17 on $25 limit tables in Hollywood Hard Rock, but they are CSM's. If you're gonna play H17, you might be better off playing S17 at $25 with the CSM.... You have a slightly better advantage playing Basic Strategy with the CSM, than the shoe due to the cut card effect. If you are counting, then you face 8 deck, cut card effect, and higher min....


Well-Known Member
damn! this sux. i'm not driving 600 miles to find out if i can play a card game


there isn't even one decent $10 table in that place?


Well-Known Member
politcat said:
damn! this sux. i'm not driving 600 miles to find out if i can play a card game


there isn't even one decent $10 table in that place?
No... H17, CSM, etc.... Tampa's about three hours from here, if you want you can go to Immokalee, they have $5 tables....


Well-Known Member
Deathangl13 said:
I got Hard Rock Hollywood here where I am, 8 decks, shitty pen, high minimums for better rules. The only S17, good pen, and 6 deck games are high stakes with a min. of $100.... You can backcount and Wong

You sure you're talking about Seminole HR Hollywood? The only 6D there is in the HL room and the HL room is all nms.

Deathangl13 said:
We have S17 on $25 limit tables in Hollywood Hard Rock, but they are CSM's

There are no tables on the main floor at Seminole HR Hollywood that are S17 anymore. The last time they had a S17 csm table was about 6 months ago.



Well-Known Member
HockeXpert said:
You sure you're talking about Seminole HR Hollywood? The only 6D there is in the HL room and the HL room is all nms.
Yea, that's what I said, the 6d game is in high stakes, what do you mean NMS?

HockeXpert said:
There are no tables on the main floor at Seminole HR Hollywood that are S17 anymore. The last time they had a S17 csm table was about 6 months ago.

Keep looking around, they are mixed up, but they are there. Check the $25 and $50 tables, and maybe even $15 tables. I know for a fact I played S17 within the last two months at a $25 table, but maybe I's be dreamin'. I will stop by there and check how many if any. They change denominations alot at different parts of the day. Are you local?


Well-Known Member
after all the comments here I don't plan to play there, but out of curiosity I went to HR Tampa last night to look around. the $25 tables were all 8 deck.

I asked about $15 shoe games and was told maybe around 4 or 5 am, but that as soon as it gets a little busy it's raised to $25.

I noticed there was plenty of room at the $25+ tables, several completely empty. But when I went to look at the $10 tables with csm they were packed...on a monday. Yikes! I thought, with that kind of business they'll never have $10 shoe games
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Well-Known Member
HockeXpert said:
NMS=No mid-shoe entry
Oh yes!! In the high stakes room. Also, went and played a bit last night, couldn't find one table S17. Every one of 'em H17, but I swear not even 4-5 weeks ago I was counting a table for my bro, and it was an S17 table. You know they change tables all the time, maybe it was just that time or day of the week. I'll ask next time I go in.... Like in ten minutes... woops, I mean... :grin: