Anyone Going to the Green Chip Party in Vegas?

learning to count

Well-Known Member
we always go but cant this year

Its a great time and well worth it. Lots of AP celebrities and famous CC historical types!!!! You can meet the las vegas bear, stanford wong, the mayor, math prof, etc etc. Lots of mischief too!


Well-Known Member
Date and Location of a Greenchip Party is Confidential

In order to attend a Greenchip Party, one must be a BJ21 Greenchipper who is in good standing with the community and is known to not be associated with casino managements.

A new Greenchipper wishing to attend must be vouched for by another BJ21 Greenchipper or the BJ21 Administration.

The person wishing to attend must then apply to BJ21 Administration, and if accepted, must pay the admission fee before being advised of the date of the Party. Once the person is accepted and has paid the fee, the person is granted access to the Party Page.

If the person cannot make the date of the party, a full refund is granted by Stanford Wong. Only shortly before the Party, are the attendees advised of the specific location.

Attendees are asked to not post about the party until at least a week after the Party weekend has passed.

These measures are taken to provide as much security as possible to the attendees. Attendees are advised that these measures do not provide 100% identity protection, but that each attendee must weigh their own need for identity protection against the opportunity to socialize with some of the most respected members of the community and to network for being "in the know" for certain advantage play opportunities.

El Lobo and I co-hosted the Greenchip South Party in Biloxi only a few weeks before hurricane Katrina destroyed the old Biloxi casinos. We all had a great time, and we all now realize that the memory of it will hold a particular poignancy for us as time goes on.

If you get a chance to attend a Greenchip Party, and the fairly small risk is acceptable to you, I highly recommend it. Just please respect your co-attendees' need for privacy and do your part to abide by the security measures.


Well-Known Member
South Parties

It is generally well known that the Vegas Greenchip Party is held sometime during Autumn and that the South Party is held in Spring/Summer.

Since each of the casino areas in the South are just a wee bit smaller than Vegas, which town the South Party is going to be held in is not publicly posted.

LTC, since you have previously attended a South Party, you can email me and I can tell you a little about what El Lobo and I have discussed for next year. By the way, my bellsouth email address will be expiring soon.

This year, Bootlegger's Concert was held on the beach in Biloxi. I have a great idea for a location for next year's South Bootlegger Concert if he honors us with his great music as he has done for the last several years.


Well-Known Member

Since Nacht's Halloween thing is publicly advertised to be held on October 29th, answering your question would be in violation of the security policies of Greenchip Parties.


Well-Known Member
Green Chip

Green Chip is a pay forum -- and well worth it, but there is no assumption or even suggestion that it, or anything shared there, is secure.