anything changed in reno/tahoe


Well-Known Member
has anything really changed in this area the last 2 years or so? I used to be in tahoe and reno every weekend, but havnt been back in 2 years. Im heading home around aug. 1 (i know hot aug. nights is then) and planned on taking my wife to reno/tahoe for her first trip over there. anything good or bad there anymore? I used to play the lakeside, caesars (before it became monteblue) and harrahs/harveys, and reno mainly circus circus and silver legacy with some play at el dorado. I know too many pc's at circus to really want to play much there



Well-Known Member
ccl said:
has anything really changed in this area the last 2 years or so? I used to be in tahoe and reno every weekend, but havnt been back in 2 years. Im heading home around aug. 1 (i know hot aug. nights is then) and planned on taking my wife to reno/tahoe for her first trip over there. anything good or bad there anymore? I used to play the lakeside, caesars (before it became monteblue) and harrahs/harveys, and reno mainly circus circus and silver legacy with some play at el dorado. I know too many pc's at circus to really want to play much there

silver legacy and sienna would be my picks downtown. maybe throw in Fritz if they are dealing more than 2 rounds per deck.


Well-Known Member
ive never been to the sienna, where is that located exactly? i havnt really been to much more than a couple casinos in sparks (for dinner only) and the big 4 or 5 casinos downtown around circus circus, i used to like the high limit pit at the el dorado on weekdays when its down to $10 a hand


bj bob

Well-Known Member
ccl said:
ive never been to the sienna, where is that located exactly? i havnt really been to much more than a couple casinos in sparks (for dinner only) and the big 4 or 5 casinos downtown around circus circus, i used to like the high limit pit at the el dorado on weekdays when its down to $10 a hand

The Siena is located at 1 South Lake St. If you're driving south on Va. Street from the El Dorado etc. just hang a left at Mill St. (just past Harrah's) and you'll run right into it. It's got the hottest SD in town on several levels i.e. DOA and great pen. It also ranks in the top three among casinos which have inflicted the most casualties upon the members of this forum, so beware, don't exceed 1:4 spread and keep your sessions below one hour/ day and avoid slow shifts.
Other items of note, without getting too specific, are the SD, DD games at the El Dorado, Silver Legacy, Peppermill and Atlantis. Have fun!!


The grand sierra (old Hilton) has pretty good SD (awsome pen) as long as you stay out of the party pit (only pay 6 to5 there).


Silver Legacy

nc-tom said:
silver legacy and sienna would be my picks downtown. maybe throw in Fritz if they are dealing more than 2 rounds per deck.
I took a walk around the SL and was put off by the number of 6:5 games.


Well-Known Member
ill remember that, im probably staying at CC due to a family friend at the casino and the employee rate but probably will play elsewhere

ccl said:
ill remember that, im probably staying at CC due to a family friend at the casino and the employee rate but probably will play elsewhere

Circle Jerkus is kind of a mess, crowded and bad pen, but if you can get away from those problems you can get away with a lot there. There's no place with a guaranteed good game on Virginia St., just hit-and-miss.


Well-Known Member
i was just staying there due to free or even cheap rooms that i dont have to play to get, but i figured i woiuld go to the main casinos there or even teh ones downtown and out of the way ie.. atlantis, peppermill, etc.. im going with my wife who hasnt ever been so she will probably want to see most places



Well-Known Member
mvi222 said:
I took a walk around the SL and was put off by the number of 6:5 games.
For SL look for the DD game.Pen is average to good depending on the dealer. There 1d game seems to keep switching back and forth between 6-5 bj and 3-2 bj. They cant seem to make up there minds?


Well-Known Member
i figured it being a weekend it will probably be 6-5 anyways. i am going to spend a few hours checking out the games around the SL before my wife makes it to town (im flying in from LA and she is driving from no. cal.) so i got a little bit of time to check it out. i really need to subscribe to cbjn or something like that but since im deploying anything more than one issue would almost be a waste for the next year


bj bob

Well-Known Member
Hit the ground running

If you're only there for a couple of days don't waste too much time searching for good games, so let's cut to the chase. Circus is D-10 and usually poor pen, so don't spend too much time there. The Legacy is a bit more complex, it's like a super market where you have to "shop" around. There's usually a whole bank of 6:5 SD, but check out the $10 and $25 mins.and you'll soon notice the 3:2 games as well as the DOA double decks. Similar situation currently exists next door at The El Dorado. The good thing about all 3 of those houses is that they are all inter-connected, so you can walk (via mezzanine level) between all three and have all the pits checked out in less then 45 mins. While at the El Dorado, continue south out the street level door and in 30 secs. you'll be in Fitzgerald's. If they're dealing more than 4 hands before they throw the deck into the ASM, then their game has improved since June. They have DOA, LS and 6C rules.
I would head south from the Big Three down Va. St (5 mins.) and hit the Siena, SD, DOA and Ro6/7. Continue south on Va. and first hit the Peppermill on your right and spend some time there checking out the pits. It's a large house so it'll take some time, but you will be rewarded. Another 1/2 mi. south on Va. (left side) check out the pits at the Atlantis.
If you follow the described plan you will hit the most playable games in town for the least time/ driving effort. There are a lot more venues around, but again, if time is of the essence that's the way to start.


Well-Known Member
i havnt been there in a couple of years but last i remember i did ok at the el dorado and the silver legacy i figured i would hit there first. it was like that at the SL last time i was there where you had to shop around to find 3-2 games, but that was at the time my first 6-5 experience. we planned on finding all the new players club promotions we could since i got cards at most properties but my wife does not have them anywhere. know of any new member bonuses for slots or tables?

bj bob

Well-Known Member
ccl said:
we planned on finding all the new players club promotions we could since i got cards at most properties but my wife does not have them anywhere. know of any new member bonuses for slots or tables?
The most aggressive clubs in Reno at this time are: The Siena (River Club), The Atlantis (Club Paradise) and The Peppermill. Things change weekly however, so check out the main spots while you're there. Your wife can do the sign-ups while your scouting/ playing.


Well-Known Member
ive never been in the sienna so ill have to check that place out this trip. ive never been a huge fan of the peppermill but now that i know how to play a little bit more ill check out the games, something about the pits i have played didnt feel good, the lights were kind of funky i remember, but its been a couple years. i love the atlantis also, that place was really nice to me the first time i played there because of a situation that arose in my family that was handled really well.



the P-mill's lights do take some getting used to. I got a migrane the first night I played there. but I have found that they have a pretty good comp system. I always get free room offers sent to me in the mail and I usually can get my meals comped by the pit and I don't even play that big.