Are there any non-smoking blackjack tables in Reno or Lake Tahoe?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if anybody new a place that offered non-smoking tables.
I personally do not know of any place in the Reno and Lake Tahoe Area that currently offer non-smoking tables and I would like that to change. I believe that writing in customer forms to have non-smoking table will start to change the beliefs of other people.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
They're all over

Most of the big clubs have non-smoking areas, e.g. Legacy, El Dorado and Peppermill etc. On the other side, smokiest house in thr Reno area-bar none-is Rail City(aka. Inhale City)

bj bob

Well-Known Member
They're half way there!

To my astonishment this past Christmas, New Years week in Reno I was bombarded with NO SMOKING signs all over in the casinos. Looks like they passed a state-wide initiative in Nov. that restricts smoking in casinos to the gaming floor and one's room only. No more halls, restaurants or other public areas. It's getting scary!! You guys better spank you kids(and wives) now before thay get around to that.


Well-Known Member
Get around to what, smoking?
I'm having trouble reading your post, is that a good or a bad thing for you?
Its scary because you can't smoke in those places anymore? :confused:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Around to...

More restrictions upon our personal lives. I think some idiot politician in NJ(?) is proposing a ban on smoking in your own car with kids, and another lame-brain in Cal. is going to make it illegal to spank your kids. The Nevada casinos are perfect examples of true capitalism and if the market bears smoking restrictions or modifications they will be the first to implement them as needed, not big brother in Carson City.I smoke ,so it is an inconvience to leave the coffee shop etc. for a butt and to remember to snuff it as I'm leaving my room while relighting on the casino floor. The fundamental point I was making is that smoking is the "cause du jour", but what's next?


Well-Known Member
Gotcha, I can see where you're coming from. I do agree with the restauraunt and hallway policy though. It has been proven that second hand smoke causes lung cancer, so I see it fair to those who work in that industry (i.e. waitress) to work in a smoke free environment and prolongue her health.

One thing to consider though, think of how much more you could add to your bankroll if you quit smoking. How much are packs these days? Seems like you could use that money for something a lot more fun. My friends all drink and go to bars a lot. I use that money I could spend on booze for tangible things like my new big screen TV. I guess it is all in your priorities.


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
More restrictions upon our personal lives. I think some idiot politician in NJ(?) is proposing a ban on smoking in your own car with kids, and another lame-brain in Cal. is going to make it illegal to spank your kids. The Nevada casinos are perfect examples of true capitalism and if the market bears smoking restrictions or modifications they will be the first to implement them as needed, not big brother in Carson City.I smoke ,so it is an inconvience to leave the coffee shop etc. for a butt and to remember to snuff it as I'm leaving my room while relighting on the casino floor. The fundamental point I was making is that smoking is the "cause du jour", but what's next?
Your right Bob how dare the politicians protect the little ones who have no choice but to be in that vehicle! Since you don't want the government involved in the smoking debate I guess you won't mind that I bought the house next door to yours. I will be storing nuclear waste in my backyard and I'm happy that it won't bother you and that you won't want the authorities to get involved.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if I was the only one who thought it strange that someone wouldn't support kids getting away from smoke.


Well-Known Member
jetace said:
I was wondering if I was the only one who thought it strange that someone wouldn't support kids getting away from smoke.
I guess these "kids" shouldn't be going to casinos then!


Well-Known Member
If you read the whole post Scott you'll see we are talking about kids riding in cars, not the casino.


Well-Known Member
jetace said:
If you read the whole post Scott you'll see we are talking about kids riding in cars, not the casino.
No, I didn't read the whole thread, sorry! I assumed from the title that you would be talking about smoking in a casino...


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to clarify is all....

Most casinos I've gone to that do have non-smoking sections never have that section open unless it is extremely crowded. Like Peppermill for example.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Let's "clear the air"

SystemsTrader said:
Your right Bob how dare the politicians protect the little ones who have no choice but to be in that vehicle! Since you don't want the government involved in the smoking debate I guess you won't mind that I bought the house next door to yours. I will be storing nuclear waste in my backyard and I'm happy that it won't bother you and that you won't want the authorities to get involved.
ST, although I don't wish to turn this thread into a socio-philosophical debate, I would, however, like to clarify my point regarding smoking in cars.
My underlying point was to highlight more government intrusion into our everyday lives, i.e. government on all levels:Federal, State and Local. The smoking "panic" is just one of many current "tempest in a teapot" trendy topics that the American people are being bombarded with. If we let them (smoking Nazis)intrude into our cars, what's next? They will soon be inspecting our private residences for CO concentrations. Do you really want that? Not me! Sure , I think it's probably not the best behavior which parents can exhibit, nor do I think they should allow their kids to buy/ listen to Gansta Rap, dress like "HOS and THUGS" and throw "F" bombs out every other word. But they do it anyway. Should there be a law???..No! You and I could debate "ad nauseum" about the potential harmful effects of 2nd -hand. The fact remains that my generation grew up around this stuff and we didn't end up all dead or dying in the streets ala Black Plague. This being a gaming forum, I would like to wager you that I would prefer to have my kids with me smoking in my car for 10 years than 10 mins. exposed to your backyard nuclear waste. Why? Because we've had 50 years of empirical data to support the deadly effect of uncontrolled radiation. Let's just move on to another topic like global warming that we all can agree on. I'm sure Monk, Shad and the kids up in ND can all attest to its presence this week.:grin:


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
ST, although I don't wish to turn this thread into a socio-philosophical debate, I would, however, like to clarify my point regarding smoking in cars.
My underlying point was to highlight more government intrusion into our everyday lives, i.e. government on all levels:Federal, State and Local. The smoking "panic" is just one of many current "tempest in a teapot" trendy topics that the American people are being bombarded with. If we let them (smoking Nazis)intrude into our cars, what's next? They will soon be inspecting our private residences for CO concentrations. Do you really want that? Not me! Sure , I think it's probably not the best behavior which parents can exhibit, nor do I think they should allow their kids to buy/ listen to Gansta Rap, dress like "HOS and THUGS" and throw "F" bombs out every other word. But they do it anyway. Should there be a law???..No! You and I could debate "ad nauseum" about the potential harmful effects of 2nd -hand. The fact remains that my generation grew up around this stuff and we didn't end up all dead or dying in the streets ala Black Plague. This being a gaming forum, I would like to wager you that I would prefer to have my kids with me smoking in my car for 10 years than 10 mins. exposed to your backyard nuclear waste. Why? Because we've had 50 years of empirical data to support the deadly effect of uncontrolled radiation. Let's just move on to another topic like global warming that we all can agree on. I'm sure Monk, Shad and the kids up in ND can all attest to its presence this week.:grin:
Bob I totally understand your point. I guess the point I was trying to make is that sometimes we have to defend those who can't defend themselves. As for my nuclear waste, don't worry I keep those lids on tight with duct tape!