Atlantic City


Well-Known Member
i have heard that atlantic city casinos are not allowed to bar skilled players........ does that mean that all casinos in AC are set up so that no skilled player can beat there games?? are there playable games in AC?


Well-Known Member
The games in AC are still beatable. It’s true that they cannot bar someone just for being a good player but they can take other countermeasures. For example, they can cut the shoe in half instead of near the end. They can also ask you to flat bet the same amount on every hand.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
The games in AC are still beatable. It’s true that they cannot bar someone just for being a good player but they can take other countermeasures. For example, they can cut the shoe in half instead of near the end. They can also ask you to flat bet the same amount on every hand.

I've heard that before. How do they do that? Post a rule change? Make the minimum the maximum? Require it only of you, but not the other players at the table?


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I've heard that before. How do they do that? Post a rule change? Make the minimum the maximum? Require it only of you, but not the other players at the table?
PC comes over and tells you, and only you. Then, everyone else looks at you like you have leprosy and wonders what's going on.

Same with cutting 50%. Other people at the table go "WTF?" and say "that's not right" and so on. It costs the casino more in the ill-will they create, as several people at the table will get up and leave (money lost to the casino as they look for another table - even more if it's NMS), than they save in thwarting a counter's efforts.
its simple.. they can boot you for no reason at all, its private property.. its just like at-will jobs, they cant say "your mexican, your fired" but they can say "your fired.. because we said so".. 99% of all jobs are at-will jobs btw.. if the casino says "i think its best if you leave the casino" i dont think there is anything you can do


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
its simple.. they can boot you for no reason at all, its private property.. its just like at-will jobs, they cant say "your mexican, your fired" but they can say "your fired.. because we said so".. 99% of all jobs are at-will jobs btw.. if the casino says "i think its best if you leave the casino" i dont think there is anything you can do
Absolutely incorrect. As moo said, barring in AC for non-illegal playing is not allowed per NJ case law.
ChefJJ said:
Absolutely incorrect. As moo said, barring in AC for non-illegal playing is not allowed per NJ case law.
without talking about crooked casinos or anything like that, who says they are booting you for your play? they can boot you because they feel like it.. are you saying you can talk about card counting all day long, spread your bets $500-$10000 and they cant do a damn thing? i forgot about shuffling up and all that, but you know what i would do if i was that person? i would sit there all day and let them shuffle up on me, because they would be losing tons of money by having to shuffle after every hand (for that table that is)
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
without talking about crooked casinos or anything like that, who says they are booting you for your play? they can boot you because they feel like it.. are you saying you can talk about card counting all day long, spread your bets $500-$10000 and they cant do a damn thing? i forgot about shuffling up and all that, but you know what i would do if i was that person? i would sit there all day and let them shuffle up on me, because they would be losing tons of money by having to shuffle after every hand (for that table that is)
No, they can't boot you because they feel like it. A NJ court has ruled that casino gaming is totally controlled by the state and no one but the state may decide who may play the games. There is a list of excluded persons which consists of convicted felons associated with gaming and organized crime, and of cheats, and who is on the excluded list is also controlled by the state. Not one of them is a card counter.

They can (and will) half-shoe you, and they can also change the table limits at will to a point where you can't get a spread down. That's all they need to do. They can prevent you from effectively counting without saying a single word to you.


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
they can boot you because they feel like it..
I'm a little confused as to why you insist on being wrong. Since you don't "trust" us on this one, read the case law yourself:

Uston v. Resorts International Hotel, Inc. 444 A.2d 370 (N.J.1982)

Keep learning...that's what we're here to do.
ChefJJ said:
I'm a little confused as to why you insist on being wrong. Since you don't "trust" us on this one, read the case law yourself:

Uston v. Resorts International Hotel, Inc. 444 A.2d 370 (N.J.1982)

Keep learning...that's what we're here to do.
i already know about that, but i have read or heard or something like that, that it is still private property and they can still bar you, but just not for card counting.. btw i do trust a few people on here, basically the top posters like you, and the people that list proof and are nice.. everything i say, i want you to add this to the end of it in your head.. "..right?".. when i say something, sometimes i will use the word never/always and not really mean it, or sometimes i will ask a question in the form of a bold statement (kind of).. i will try to say "i dont think thats right" instead of "no thats wrong" if im not sure.. i may seem like a know it all that is wrong half the time, but i rarely am 100% sure about what i say
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Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
i already know about that, but i have read or heard or something like that, that it is still private property and they can still bar you, but just not for card counting.. btw i do trust a few people on here, basically the top posters like you, and the people that list proof and are nice.. everything i say, i want you to add this to the end of it in your head.. "..right?".. when i say something, sometimes i will use the word never/always and not really mean it, or sometimes i will ask a question in the form of a bold statement (kind of).. i will try to say "i dont think thats right" instead of "no thats wrong" if im not sure.. i may seem like a know it all that is wrong half the time, but i rarely am 100% sure about what i say
It's cool...but realize that there are a ton of other posters with a lot more to give on this site. I just have a lot of posts--questions mostly. Barring in AC is illegal, but other techniques like those you and AM discussed are done.

good luck
ChefJJ said:
It's cool...but realize that there are a ton of other posters with a lot more to give on this site. I just have a lot of posts--questions mostly. Barring in AC is illegal, but other techniques like those you and AM discussed are done.

good luck
on the flip side, anybody who says "we know more than you, we have been around longer than you, you should trust us on everything we say" is an idiot, because trusting somebody no matter how wrong you think they are is foolish, that is the opposite of learning, that is just believing, which is how religion got started.. clearly you didnt say that, and i know you dont think that i should not question you, but i had to say it anyways


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
on the flip side, anybody who says "we know more than you, we have been around longer than you, you should trust us on everything we say" is an idiot, because trusting somebody no matter how wrong you think they are is foolish, that is the opposite of learning, that is just believing, which is how religion got started.. clearly you didnt say that, and i know you dont think that i should not question you, but i had to say it anyways
I think that's my favorite post of yours - and I'm not sure I even understand it :)

But I like it :grin:


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
but i had to say it anyways
I've been debating it for a few days, but (not so)SilentBob is now the first member of my Ignore list. This attitude of his has changed the forum from great source of info, with little noise, into a endless morass of garbage posts.

Hey Sonny and Ken, how about creating a Silentbobzone forum and restrict all his posting to there?


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
This attitude of his has changed the forum from great source of info, with little noise, into a endless morass of garbage posts.
I agree completely. The only thing that keeps me from putting him on Ignore is the "train wreck" factor, i.e., I know it's going to be terrible, but I have to look anyway.