Attributes of a counter


Well-Known Member
This question came up in a discussion last weekend: What is the most important attribute of a successful advantage player? Some of the answers suggested were disicpline, caution, acting ability, mathematical apptitude, and an even temperament, among others. Any other ideas?

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
>This question came up in a discussion last weekend: What is the most important attribute of a successful advantage player? Some of the answers suggested were disicpline, caution, acting ability, mathematical apptitude, and an even temperament, among others. Any other ideas?

*The ability to go without sleep and still be rational.
*Not being married.
*Large initial bankroll.
*Not have a compulsive personality.
*Enjoy long periods of solitude.
*Be forgiving and patient.

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Most Important Attribute

"What is the most important attribute of a successful advantage player?"

I feel that the most important attribute is the ability to find the highest possible expect value for each "play."

Expected value is corelated with the minimum amount of risk and the maximum amount of the reward of each and every bet.