blocked cards in auto shufflers
I generally play hand shuffled games but will play an auto shuffler game with good rules and penetration. In one place, certain machines always seem to have 4 or 5 cards in the shoe turned, so that you might see the card when the dealer pulls the stack out of the machine or better yet see the card when it is the next one to be dealt from the shoe. Recently, I am at first base, look at the shoe and there to be dealt next is the ace of hearts. Put a max bet out, did not get a blackjack but did get a 9 for a twenty.
If you spotted an ace, for instance, when the stack is pulled out, you make sure you cut it into play. Some are good enough to be able to cut it to themselves on the first hand more often than not (not me, but I will get it close). Then you know either you have it or someone else has it. You are steering a card in your direction. If you spot the position of a bad card, cut it so it will not be dealt in and you have a count of +1.