Sonny said:
I don’t guess, I estimate. When you guess it is based on your opinion. When I make an estimate it is based on books and simulations. For example, my 10-30% estimate is directly from Blackjack Attack. In a standard 6D DAS LS game with 1 deck cut off the difference between spreading 1-12 and Wonging 1-8 is 10.1%. The difference between spreading 1-12 and Wonging 1-10 is 27.1%. If you also consider the fact that the Wonger can double his unit size (and therefore increase his EV by 120%) and still have the same ROR of the 1-12 player, I’d call that huge. Much bigger than the 1% advantage you call “insane.”
you dont know that what i am saying is a random coin flip guess, for instance, most of the books i have read say that counting gets you UP TO a 1.5% advantage.. is it so hard for you to say "ya, 1% is not very big, most good counters consider that below average"? you keep putting these smartass spins on all your comments
Sonny said:
But there are only 1.5 decks left to be played! Even if the count does get positive you won’t be able to play many hands before the shuffle. Therefore a “late” shoe isn’t worth very much money to you even if it does turn good (which it probably won't). Think about this: Which is more profitable, 1.5 decks with a RC of –6 or a fresh shoe with a count of 0?
perhaps now i should say "maybe you should read what emerald and i wrote again"? you should read emeralds post again, because he said if there are 3 decks
left, not 3 played, and as i said, if he meant 3 left in the entire shoe (not decks remaining to be played), thats just plain stupid, because if people talked like that, you would have to ask "3 decks remaining? whats the penetration?".. i agree that if there are 3 in the discard tray, its time to go to another table if the count is negative (6 deck)..
which is better, a rc of -1 with 1 hand played, or a rc of 0 in a fresh shoe? doesnt mean you should get up and go to another table, but it depends on how many tables you have.. 1.5 decks left with a negative count = leave, i agree, but what i dont agree with was emerald saying -6 RUNNING count with THREE decks left is horrible..
read over everything emerald said, and tell me if you agree with EXACTLY everything he said sonny, thats alls im saying.. it appears you have let your negativity towards me get to your head like others have, so that now you are looking for errors in what i say instead of having them jump out at u.. seriously, lets stop all this nonsense, i like your posts! if you feel i say something stupid, then just correct me in a way you would correct somebody you were neutral or positive with