Blackjackjim, sorry man really. it's happened to us all. for me it's a rotten feeling that i can't shake. i think it's a part of humane nature. it's not normal to base your emotions on the long run instead of the short term.
so as to not just be hand waving on the issue lets not gloss over the fact that it could get worse before it gets better. that emotes even a worse malay
it helps me some when i have a lousey session or two to drag out my graphs and records and then i can see that for the long haul i am indeed well out front
as we all know it's a roller coaster ride and that top bank is only going to be enjoyed about one percent of the time so that as Wong wrote much of the time we are going to have the feeling that we are not doing as well as we once were.
as far as bailing out.
well i do it but not on losing sessions, only when i've won about a standard deviation over my expectation and never if the count is positive. it seems for me to give a psychological boost experiencing a lot of relatively smaller wins but of course it doesn't prevent the negative mood ingendered when the inevitable bigger losing sessions come along.
you'll be alright, just don't fall into the trap of chasing your loss's.