Basic stragedy deviations with 1 deck?


Well-Known Member
I have found a couple of basic stragedy deviations with 1 deck they are 10-2 vs 4 correct play is hit basic stragedy is stand. 7-5 vs 3 correct play is stand basic stragedy is hit. The correct play is the one with the highest expected value. I was just wondering if anybody else had and correct basic stragedy deviations. 10-2 vs a 4 is the most significant one of the two because it is your most frequent 12 vs a 4.


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
I have found a couple of basic stragedy deviations with 1 deck they are 10-2 vs 4 correct play is hit basic stragedy is stand. 7-5 vs 3 correct play is stand basic stragedy is hit. The correct play is the one with the highest expected value. I was just wondering if anybody else had and correct basic stragedy deviations. 10-2 vs a 4 is the most significant one of the two because it is your most frequent 12 vs a 4.
You should buy "Blackjack Bluebook II" by Fred Renzey. He has a chapter on this. Another one that you haven't mentioned is that you should stand with your hard 16 versus a 10 if your 16 contains any 4 or any 5 wheras basic strategy says always hit your hard 16 vs 10.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
I have found a couple of basic stragedy deviations with 1 deck they are 10-2 vs 4 correct play is hit basic stragedy is stand. 7-5 vs 3 correct play is stand basic stragedy is hit. The correct play is the one with the highest expected value. I was just wondering if anybody else had and correct basic stragedy deviations. 10-2 vs a 4 is the most significant one of the two because it is your most frequent 12 vs a 4.
If you check out PBJaaB on pg. 68 you will find a list of finer points of basic strategy Plays such as hit10,3 v.2 and 10,2 v.4 are listed as well as all the possibilities of 15,16 v. 10. These plays however, are only valid off the top of a single deck. As Moo said, the rest are to be determined by the count.


Well-Known Member

Hate to be picky, but for months you haven't been able to type the word "STRATEGY" in a post. I can't figure out why that and not much else in the form of spelling/grammar bugs me, but I had to say something. :mad:

good luck

bj bob

Well-Known Member
ChefJJ said:

Hate to be picky, but for months you haven't been able to type the word "STRATEGY" in a post. I can't figure out why that and not much else in the form of spelling/grammar bugs me, but I had to say something. :mad:

good luck
You need to loose that attitude, JJ.:whip:


Well-Known Member
:laugh: I deserve that, I know :joker:

Like I said, I don't know why that has gotten to me :grin:


Well-Known Member
A couple more!

7-5-4 vs a 10 correct play is to stay basic stragedy is hit 2-5-5-4 vs a 10 correct play is stay basic stragedy is hit.
I have read blackjack bluebook II and that is one of the easier to understand blackjack books that I have read. A couple of other books like "The theory of Blackjack," "Beat the dealer" and "Professional Blackjack." are harder to understand The theory of Blackjack is the hardest to understand book.


Well-Known Member
Basic Strategy vs. Count

If 8 vs 6 is DD, for a BS play for singledeck, but has a +5 Index for the count, that I use. Does this mean,that If, Im playing in a DoubleDeck game and their happens to be 1D remaining, I can therefore Double when the count is 0 or Higher?
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Well-Known Member
jack said:
If 8 vs 6 is DD, for a BS play for singledeck, but has a +5 Index for the count, that I use. Does this mean,that If, Im playing in a DoubleDeck game and their happens to be 1D remaining, I can therefore Double when the count is 0 or Higher?
Sure, as long as you're certain the cards remaining would constitute exactly one full deck. :)

bj bob

Well-Known Member

Canceler is correct if what he is saying is that the remaining undealt deck has the exact composition of a single deck as if it were just removed from a new pack. Logic tells us, however, that in a normally shuffled DD that remaining undealt deck will not remain intact as it was "blended" during the shuffle with the first deck. In this case you would not double down on 8 v.6 since the remaining cards do not constitute an intact single deck and the distribution, although 0 TC, is at that point unknown.


Well-Known Member
Composition -- that's the word!

bj bob said:
In this case you would not double down on 8 v.6 since the remaining cards do not constitute an intact single deck and the distribution, although 0 TC, is at that point unknown.
Yeah, I was trying to be a little tricky. Of course bj bob is right. Very seldom would the remaining deck have the composition of a single deck. Even less often would anyone know if it did. Bordering on never, I think.


Well-Known Member
ChefJJ said:
:laugh: I deserve that, I know :joker:

Like I said, I don't know why that has gotten to me :grin:
Hey, just in case, I hope you understood I was (trying to ) be little ironic in that he said loose instead of lose lol.

Anyway maybe he was making a neologism to change the meaning of the original word since perhaps his strategy, or anyone's, maybe closer to a tragedy than they realize lol. Or what you call it after a disastrous loss lol.


Well-Known Member
jack said:
If 8 vs 6 is DD, for a BS play for singledeck, but has a +5 Index for the count, that I use. Does this mean,that If, Im playing in a DoubleDeck game and their happens to be 1D remaining, I can therefore Double when the count is 0 or Higher?
Well, like in Hi-Lo, a 5,3 vs 5 or 6 would be a RC+3 and a TC of that or a little more off the top. So maybe it makes sense that the index number is +2 for a departure.

A double deck game might have it's own index number.

Is this +5 index in a level 1 count? Not that it matters.

On the other hand a 6,2 vs 6 is the same count but you wouldn't double it off the top of the deck anyway.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Well, like in Hi-Lo, a 5,3 vs 5 or 6 would be a RC+3 and a TC of that or a little more off the top. So maybe it makes sense that the index number is +2 for a departure.

A double deck game might have it's own index number.

Is this +5 index in a level 1 count? Not that it matters.

On the other hand a 6,2 vs 6 is the same count but you wouldn't double it off the top of the deck anyway.
Same thing. A L1 count is tc+2 or tc+3, which is equilavent to +5 in a L2. I guess I should of used a L1 In my example. But of course, Im sure you know the difference. Anyway, regardless of what level count your using, the concept remains the same.

So then, what your are saying is that, its the cards that comprise 8 vs 6 is the same Index we Double on?

What If the first hand of a Single Deck game was 8 vs 6 and the RC was 0. Would you Double then? Tx.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
jack said:
So then, what your are saying is that, its the cards that comprise 8 vs 6 is the same Index we Double on?

What If the first hand of a Single Deck game was 8 vs 6 and the RC was 0. Would you Double then? Tx.
No can happen. By the very fact of 5,3 or 4,4 having been played along with the 5 or 6 up. The RC would have to be +3, hence the reasoning behind BS.


Well-Known Member
jack said:
Same thing. A L1 count is tc+2 or tc+3, which is equilavent to +5 in a L2. I guess I should of used a L1 In my example. But of course, Im sure you know the difference. Anyway, regardless of what level count your using, the concept remains the same.

So then, what your are saying is that, its the cards that comprise 8 vs 6 is the same Index we Double on?

What If the first hand of a Single Deck game was 8 vs 6 and the RC was 0. Would you Double then? Tx.
It just seemed to me that maybe you were using a level 2 count since + 5 seemed like alot but, yes, the concept is the same. I think anyway lol.

I guess I'm saying that the index is probably what it is because, given the frequency certain hands might occur and the rules, on average, and the efficiency of the system you are using, you'll be better off on average to double than not when the index says to.

The 6,2 vs 6 thing was just an example that comp-dependent plays might still be different even though they give rise to same RC and TC.

It's impossible for the first hand of a 1D game to be 8 vs 6 heads-up and still have a RC of 0, at least in Hi-Lo. But maybe if lot's of people at the table. But if there were lots of people and still an RC of 0, I would not double since the TC had not been reached.