Basic Strategy Engine question...


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I've mastered 6Deck H17 DAS NS no prob, and then noticed how even though the single deck game the table over had a few irritating rules (eg. double only on 10 or 11), the casino edge was only 0.43% compared to the 0.66% I was playing against the 6 deck. Totally caught me off my guard, I'm soo stoked to tear this thing apart (not too fast, of course!) and I went to check the basic strategy for any variations and noticed that the table said to 'Stand' against a dealer 10-value card if I had a pair of seven's, though it also states that I should 'Hit' if I have 14 against a dealer 10-value card. Is this a glitch? I would normally just 'Hit' but I figured I'd get a second opinion.

The link to the game I'm talkin' about:

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
That is one of the nuances of SD play. You stand on 7,7 vs. 10 but hit other 14s. The reason is that when you have 7,7, you are holding two of the cards that you want to get as a hit card to make 21. The fact that they have been removed from the deck means that you are less likely to get a third 7 when you hit. If you are holding any other kind of 14 then there are more sevens available when you hit.



Well-Known Member
gothic said:
Okay, so I've mastered 6Deck H17 DAS NS no prob, and then noticed how even though the single deck game the table over had a few irritating rules (eg. double only on 10 or 11), the casino edge was only 0.43% compared to the 0.66% I was playing against the 6 deck. Totally caught me off my guard, I'm soo stoked to tear this thing apart (not too fast, of course!) and I went to check the basic strategy for any variations and noticed that the table said to 'Stand' against a dealer 10-value card if I had a pair of seven's, though it also states that I should 'Hit' if I have 14 against a dealer 10-value card. Is this a glitch? I would normally just 'Hit' but I figured I'd get a second opinion.

The link to the game I'm talkin' about:

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

The reason the SD game has a lower HE is that house advantage increases with number of decks. I think using 6-decks adds something like .44% to the house advantage. It is weird because you'd think the number of decks wouldn't affect a Basic Strategy player, but it does.

Essentially, this is because there are is a smaller pool of small cards from which the dealer can draw from. In example, if you get 5,6 v. 5, you now have a very good doubling opportunity in a SD game because 3 of the dealer's best cards are not available for him to draw any longer.

Also, in games with lower decks, there is a higher frequency of BJ's. (Removing a ten or an A increases the probability of drawing the other, but this effect is minor in games with more decks).

The reason you should stand with 7,7 here is that you now know that at least 2 7's are out of the deck and 7 is the card that you give you 21 if you were to hit again. You also know that the dealer is less likely to have a 7 in the hole, a card that would give him a pat hand. It is now better to stand. This only applies in SD games, and I doubt that it applies to all SD games.



Well-Known Member

Thanks, both of you! Now I understand completely, amazing, the more one learns the more everything else makes sense. Ha ha, welly well now I feel good to add this in my brain.
