basic strategy question for a newb


When learning to use bs and you draw a hard 12 for example dealer has 7 or better you are suppose to hit but your next card is only a 2 with a hard total of 14 do you keep drawing until you reach 17+ or do you just take one card and stand pat. And is counting cards even possible on practice sites like bodog or 777? cant seem to find a good answer. it looks like you can practice your bs strategy quite well on these sites but knowing where you are at in the count doesn't seem reliable


Well-Known Member
If you hit that 14 with another 2, you have to hit it again!

when learning BS pay careful attention to the table, especially the soft hands. Those are just as important.

Let's say you have a A,2 vs. dealer 4. Basic strategy says you hit, so you hit and get a 4. You have 17 right? wrong, you have soft 17, or A,2,4 = A,6 - what does basic strategy say about this hand???

it says double!, but you can't double since you already took one card, instead in the key of a BS table, it will say something like Double/Hit, meaning if you can double, double, if you can't, then Hit. And for the hand I described that is EXACTLY what you should do.

Let's continue. You hit your soft 17 to get a 6. Now you have A,2,4,6 for a whopping 13, NOW a HARD 13. What does BS say about 13 V 4?

*sigh of relief* you can finally stand.


thx for quick reply

I have never used any gambling strategies before and cant believe how much better play is using bs wow. Is there a way to know when to raise bets using practice sites like bodog free bj while learning to memorize bs strategy. I dont want to start card counting yet.:grin:


Well-Known Member
Counting cards is what gives you the knowledge to know when to raise/lower your bets. I'm afraid you can't gain this knowledge using basic strategy alone.