Being a fake local


Well-Known Member
Ok so lets say there is a game in town thats just amazing but the place has lots of locals. Its like one of those everyone knows your name places. So coming in and just hitting it is pretty obvious * restricting how many times you can do it in a month *

So comes operation being a fake local . If you hit this place everyday at the same time * lets say after your 9-5 * and just sit and order a beer and stay for a hour to "releive your stress from work". And to make this better you make up a fake job ( fake business card and shirts is even better ). Something you know something about. Like I wouldnt go in as a mechanic unless I knew something about cars. Even though mechanics are not known for thier brains. Last thing you want it jim bob local to go hey ___*your name* there is this noise in the rear of my car you have any idea what this might be? and you dont have a answer.

Now you start becoming a regular. You get a club card and use it and be proud to be using it have it ready when you sit down. You learn everyones name ( dealers, players , pit bosses etc. ) and you use them and introduce yourself to everyone. You get to the point where they know your regular drink * and you dont really drink it maybe half everyday *. You want them to know your name.

Ok now to make this better your first week or so you just play BS and act like your dont know what your doing. You have bad ettiquite, you ask the locals what you should do in obvious spots like your hard 13 V 7. You bet big in bad spots and make side bets and get over exited when they actually win. You should get some of this money back from comps so its ok to blow a little. Dont talk about yourself when you winning. But be sure to point out when you have a losing day.

Ok so its 10 or so days later and you now turn the tide. Hopefully your plan works. Your still putting the big money in just at the right times. You will stay make the dumb side bet occastionlly. Still ask for advice. Everything to keep your fake cover.

If this works you will not only be established at the joint but will be immune to heat since they will be like thats just ____ hes just some local who has no idea what hes doing. And now you have this treasure chest all to yourself.

Id say the worst thing is if you get caught your going down hard. And lose the place for good.
But is it a risk you should take ? It also seems easier to pull of the older you are since most locals are 40+ .

I realize this was done a lot before the whole fake name thing and fake job. But this is to establish yourself as a local and not a AP.

Ok so what you all think ? Has anyone done this or thought about this? Or even better had success with it ?


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Kind of the flip side of being in Vegas and going to a Strip casino and "pretending to be a tourist/conventioneer" for a few days.

I think a bigger question is, what's the hypothetical end game at this joint? Is the reason you're in Podunk, NV because of some short-lived promotion or other situation that makes the game an absolute must-play? If so, you only need to make it until the situation goes away.

If your goal is to play at the place forever, then you really are a local. In which case I hope you're not in Podunk, NV.

The nuance would be how to handle if you're betting big money for this place compared to others, and reconciling that with your act.


Well-Known Member
If you are there often enough to "pretend" you are a local,aren't you in fact a local? Or is your Lear parked down the road?


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
I think a bigger question is, what's the hypothetical end game at this joint? Is the reason you're in Podunk, NV because of some short-lived promotion or other situation that makes the game an absolute must-play? If so, you only need to make it until the situation goes away.

No its because the game is the absolute best there is out there . And hitting it once every 2 weeks isnt enough , its a dream game that you can hit at any time without any worries . You can play for 2 hrs because you have the best possible cover, you can play a better game because you wont have to worry about heat. You technically do become a local but that is your disguise to look like a idiot local. Making only little bits of profit at a time so you never become suspicious.

In a way it will require utlimate acting that you have to keep going for months upon months.


Well-Known Member
if your playing everyday anyways . wouldnt you want to be able to play the best game everyday ? Thats what this would do . Allow for you to play the best game without having to worry about being asked to back off.

You dont even need a real job you make it up , just go there everyday at the same time , they wont know you have no job.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
But I have a job! How else would I afford the Lear jet?
lol, plus this place only has 5/10$ tables which is good cuz no local is going to play the 25$+ table.

maybe its just some dumb idea in my head but thats why Im looking for feedback.

I did it for poker before but that was to take down the local not so good players who went to the casino everyday for enterainment while I was there for business. This is taking on the house.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
What's the problem?

I don't really see anything to debate here. As Shad stated, if you're a local then you're a local. What's the big deal? You can't be a local AP? I assume we're talking Reno here. so let's get more specific. There are a dozen clubs in and around town that I consider juicy i.e, SD, DOA, good to great pen. and the two houses with LS. You want to maximize your opportunities in SD land while living in SD land, so you need to take a different approach, unlike those of us who have to fly there several times a year and even the Bay Area folks who go there realistically 5-6 time a year.
The first thing I would do in your shoes is a thorough evaluation of each casino. Cruise the pits at different times of the day, hit the Club and promo desks to learn all upcoming promos, sign up for all the Club cards and don't be afraid to ask questions such as "How are comp rewards calculated in this casino?" Are comp points carried over from month to month, quarter to quarter, year to year? Don't be afrraid to talk and as questions of the pit, such as (indirectly) when does the shift change. Take notes and observe dealers. Which ones are sloppy? Who deals deep? Do they react (pen-wise) to tokes?
By the end of a month, you should have compiled an invaluable compilation of notes and will be well prepared for battle.
Another aspect of your local status situation is not attempting to fool the house with your permanent residence. If you sign up for a Club Card, they already know your address. If they see Robb Ave or McCarren on your drivers licence, they know where you live so why waste time?
Finally, in your specific situation what I would do is, having completely perfected my current skills, begin to take on a quality level 2 count so you can keep your spreads to a minimum while maximizing EV. You could probably go all over town betting 1:2, 1:3 without raising many eyebrows. In short, you have a rather unique situation here, so you need a specialized game plan.


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
There are a dozen clubs in and around town that I consider juicy i.e, SD, DOA, good to great pen. and the two houses with LS. You want to maximize your opportunities in SD land while living in SD land.

Yea the number I have is around that , but some really are better than others and maybe its greed but I want to play those places as much as I can without looking suspicious.

so you need to take a different approach.

This is where im lost , I can do the whole 1/2 hour - hour then bolt play. But how many times before you are noticed.

The first thing I would do in your shoes is a thorough evaluation of each casino. Cruise the pits at different times of the day, hit the Club and promo desks to learn all upcoming promos, sign up for all the Club cards and don't be afraid to ask questions such as "How are comp rewards calculated in this casino?" Are comp points carried over from month to month, quarter to quarter, year to year? Don't be afrraid to talk and as questions of the pit, such as (indirectly) when does the shift change. Take notes and observe dealers. Which ones are sloppy? Who deals deep? Do they react (pen-wise) to tokes? By the end of a month, you should have compiled an invaluable compilation of notes and will be well prepared for battle.

Thats one think ive done for the last month and in my studys I found a couple of games and places that were just above the rest. Got most of the club cards. And im always testing the dealers. cant get out there as much I would like to but am trying to maximize the time that I do get.

Another aspect of your local status situation is not attempting to fool the house with your permanent residence. If you sign up for a Club Card, they already know your address. If they see Robb Ave or McCarren on your drivers licence, they know where you live so why waste time?

Nope I wouldnt try to fool a casino about where I live. but I do live in the north where there are no casinos.

Finally, in your specific situation what I would do is, having completely perfected my current skills, begin to take on a quality level 2 count so you can keep your spreads to a minimum while maximizing EV. You could probably go all over town betting 1:2, 1:3 without raising many eyebrows.

Thats something ive been looking into a counting system that works for me . Hi / Lo is easy but way to reconizable. But not sure what the all around best system is . It really doesnt matter how complex it is . I am able learn pretty quick and would take the time to make sure I got it down 100% before putting it to the test.

In short, you have a rather unique situation here. so you need a specialized game plan.

I guess that says it best. I know I live in the best SD place in there is . But ive heard storys of people who messed up . Got caught and they lost a good thing. See people say the have been asked to leave on many occasions.

Thats what I dont want to happen. Maybe im just thinking so far outside the box to stop it from happening that im making it more complicated than I need to be ? Maybe I should be more simplistic I guess.
I guess I just want a good way to disguise where I dont have to worry about the PB or heat and just worry about playing my game.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
That's the whole point

I was simply advising you on how to extend your CC life in a small town. Once you've determined the hottest games then calculate a shedule that allows you to play there frequently without overdoing it. For example, if Fitz's blows your skirt then figure playing there 3 times a week on different shifts, the do the same with Boomtown as well as the Siena etc. If you set it up correctly you won't see the same faces too often.
The next tier of games i.e those with sightly worse rules such as D10 as in the Circus can be played more frequently. Take a trip down to CC every 2 weeks and check out the local action. Mix that up with a monthly run out to Wendover or Jackpot and every once in the while head up the hill to the Lake(south or north) for the hell of it. Put all this on a chart and you'll notice a nice little pattern you have created without daily repetition.
Lastly, don't give up on any one club. Just because the game might suck this week, you never know when they will improve them. Take Peppermill and El Dorado for example. Much better conditions than the past couple of years.
Here's a line I use to become a fake semi-local: pretend you are a divorced father visiting your kids in the area, killing time in the casino between visits.

It works great because you don't have to give a fake address or have knowledge of the area, just the name of the town where they live and some vague geographical feature, like "by the lake" or something. You can also pull off a convincing Sad Sack act based on this shattered life of yours- drunk, dressed cornily, depressed. Why did your wife leave you? What else- your drinking and gambling problem!

Want to score some tail? :cat: Get a little stuffed animal, stored in your jacket pocket. Pick your target and start talking her up, go into your Sad Sack divorced father act, then whip out the animal and tell her "I gave this to my daughter and she gave it back to me, she wouldn't take it because her Mommy said 'Daddy's a creep.' Here, I want you to have it." and start sobbing. Chicks eat that stuff up! If she's out looking too, you are definitely 'in' if you can pull something like this off. (You're also definitely a sociopath; an asset in the casino but please don't transfer these skills to other areas of your life!)


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
I was simply advising you on how to extend your CC life in a small town. Once you've determined the hottest games then calculate a shedule that allows you to play there frequently without overdoing it. For example, if Fitz's blows your skirt then figure playing there 3 times a week on different shifts, the do the same with Boomtown as well as the Siena etc. If you set it up correctly you won't see the same faces too often.
The next tier of games i.e those with sightly worse rules such as D10 as in the Circus can be played more frequently. Take a trip down to CC every 2 weeks and check out the local action. Mix that up with a monthly run out to Wendover or Jackpot and every once in the while head up the hill to the Lake(south or north) for the hell of it. Put all this on a chart and you'll notice a nice little pattern you have created without daily repetition.
Lastly, don't give up on any one club. Just because the game might suck this week, you never know when they will improve them. Take Peppermill and El Dorado for example. Much better conditions than the past couple of years.

No your advice was very very much appreciated and very helpful. im trying to figure out the best times for places . Even the 10/11 games usually have very high pen. Some more than others.

Only a couple of places that are trash with there 6/5 junk. But I will also get a new CBJN every couple of months incase i cant get around enough to relook at the bad joints.

Funny thing you talk about a chart lol , I already have one in my room as well as a book with notes all up in it.

CC and Tahoe are my next stops, As well as some of the local places in Minden and Garderville and Dayton.

I guess I just want a good plan like you said . A specialized one. One where I wont slip up .


Well-Known Member
Even though mechanics are not known for thier brains.
With that attitude you'll never fit in as a local. It's obvious you know nothing about what makes a car go. If you did, you'd realize that modern day cars have highly sophisticated ECU's and Sensors that work in harmony, hopefully. The myth that modern day automotive technicians are dumb is perpetuated by people like you that think if their car does not start there must be something wrong with the key. Next time your car needs repair, you better hope your technician is not also an AP blackjack player and a member of this forum.


Well-Known Member
being a local

Want to score some tail? :cat: Get a little stuffed animal, stored in your jacket pocket.

I gotta tell you, you have me splitting my sides sometimes with your replies.:laugh: :laugh:

I have a similiar situation, but with much fewer options(three stores in total in area)two are govt run, so I dont worry about haet;plus the fact that I am playing small potatoes(5-10.00 unit, 100.00 top bet-rarely)but, I still try to give them an 'act'. I wish I had your problem as far as that many options. Question for SD/DD vets-can you use a 'semi-positive progression' as count climbs to neutral territory ? For example, I play a 6d game, and when count gets close to key count(using KO-P)I willstart to 'chip-up'; win, add a unit, win again, add another, up to three in a row. I will drop down after a loss, or, if count justifies, throw out big bet in a "oh, what the hell" steaming type of blurp. Can a person do this in dd ? I would think the count jumps to wildly in sd to allow this ? Just a question out of interest, if anyone cares to weigh in.

Best of luck on your 'chart'; Bobs advice seems real solid.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Want to score some tail? :cat: Get a little stuffed animal, stored in your jacket pocket. Pick your target and start talking her up, go into your Sad Sack divorced father act, then whip out the animal and tell her "I gave this to my daughter and she gave it back to me, she wouldn't take it because her Mommy said 'Daddy's a creep.' Here, I want you to have it." and start sobbing. Chicks eat that stuff up! If she's out looking too, you are definitely 'in' if you can pull something like this off. (You're also definitely a sociopath; an asset in the casino but please don't transfer these skills to other areas of your life!)
Lol you sad sad man! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
golfnut101 said:
...can you use a 'semi-positive progression' as count climbs to neutral territory? For example, I play a 6d game, and when count gets close to key count(using KO-P)I willstart to 'chip-up'; win, add a unit, win again, add another, up to three in a row.
One idea might be to use a $5-$10-$20 progression in negative/neutral counts for an average bet of about $10. Then you could use a similar progression at different TCs, like:

<1 = $5-$10-$20
+1 = $10-$20-$30
+2 = $20-$40-$60
+3 = $30-$60-$90
+4 = $100-$150-$200

The variance would be pretty outrageous but the EV would still be there. Or you could go with something like this:

<1 = $5-$10-$20
+1 = $5-$15-$40
+2 = $10-$30-$80
+3 = $30-$60-$90
+4 = $50-$150-$250

That might get the pit used to seeing you use big bet variations. These are all fairly ridiculous suggestions, but they might help to warm the pit up to your action. You won’t have to worry about heat after a show like that. This kind of cover is better used in pitch games where the count moves faster and you don't need to use a big of a spread, but I suppose you could experiment with it in shoe games as well.



Well-Known Member
a few Ideas

Positive Progression


Negative Progression



Well-Known Member
The variance would be pretty outrageous but the EV would still be there. Or you could go with something like this:

<1 = $5-$10-$20
+1 = $5-$15-$40
+2 = $10-$30-$80
+3 = $30-$60-$90
+4 = $50-$150-$250
Now that would be a wild ride !! I think I read in Blackbelt that Ralph Stricker had a team use this type of cover play with good results. Anyone willing to admit to something like this ?(hehe)
Sonny said:
One idea might be to use a $5-$10-$20 progression in negative/neutral counts for an average bet of about $10. Then you could use a similar progression at different TCs, like:

<1 = $5-$10-$20
+1 = $10-$20-$30
+2 = $20-$40-$60
+3 = $30-$60-$90
+4 = $100-$150-$200...
Here's a system I use for bet camouflage in single deck. I'm using UBZ with an IRC of -4.

First bet of deck- random.

When RC is -7 to -3, bet one unit. Most hands will be played with a 1 unit bet.

When RC is -2, bet 2 units. (small positive advantage)

When RC > -2, double last bet, up to 8 units.

When RC < -7, double bet after a win, cut bet back to 1 unit after a loss.

When RC < -14, leave the table. This will happen just frequently enough to cover legitimate bathroom breaks.

It looks an awful lot like progressions and steaming, but it has the same EV as a 1-5 spread, which is pretty good in a SD game. The big bets in the really low counts don't hurt you that much because those counts don't occur that often. Only a very experienced surveillance guy or one using a computer will be sure you're playing with an advantage.