Well-Known Member
Ok so lets say there is a game in town thats just amazing but the place has lots of locals. Its like one of those everyone knows your name places. So coming in and just hitting it is pretty obvious * restricting how many times you can do it in a month *
So comes operation being a fake local . If you hit this place everyday at the same time * lets say after your 9-5 * and just sit and order a beer and stay for a hour to "releive your stress from work". And to make this better you make up a fake job ( fake business card and shirts is even better ). Something you know something about. Like I wouldnt go in as a mechanic unless I knew something about cars. Even though mechanics are not known for thier brains. Last thing you want it jim bob local to go hey ___*your name* there is this noise in the rear of my car you have any idea what this might be? and you dont have a answer.
Now you start becoming a regular. You get a club card and use it and be proud to be using it have it ready when you sit down. You learn everyones name ( dealers, players , pit bosses etc. ) and you use them and introduce yourself to everyone. You get to the point where they know your regular drink * and you dont really drink it maybe half everyday *. You want them to know your name.
Ok now to make this better your first week or so you just play BS and act like your dont know what your doing. You have bad ettiquite, you ask the locals what you should do in obvious spots like your hard 13 V 7. You bet big in bad spots and make side bets and get over exited when they actually win. You should get some of this money back from comps so its ok to blow a little. Dont talk about yourself when you winning. But be sure to point out when you have a losing day.
Ok so its 10 or so days later and you now turn the tide. Hopefully your plan works. Your still putting the big money in just at the right times. You will stay make the dumb side bet occastionlly. Still ask for advice. Everything to keep your fake cover.
If this works you will not only be established at the joint but will be immune to heat since they will be like thats just ____ hes just some local who has no idea what hes doing. And now you have this treasure chest all to yourself.
Id say the worst thing is if you get caught your going down hard. And lose the place for good.
But is it a risk you should take ? It also seems easier to pull of the older you are since most locals are 40+ .
I realize this was done a lot before the whole fake name thing and fake job. But this is to establish yourself as a local and not a AP.
Ok so what you all think ? Has anyone done this or thought about this? Or even better had success with it ?
So comes operation being a fake local . If you hit this place everyday at the same time * lets say after your 9-5 * and just sit and order a beer and stay for a hour to "releive your stress from work". And to make this better you make up a fake job ( fake business card and shirts is even better ). Something you know something about. Like I wouldnt go in as a mechanic unless I knew something about cars. Even though mechanics are not known for thier brains. Last thing you want it jim bob local to go hey ___*your name* there is this noise in the rear of my car you have any idea what this might be? and you dont have a answer.
Now you start becoming a regular. You get a club card and use it and be proud to be using it have it ready when you sit down. You learn everyones name ( dealers, players , pit bosses etc. ) and you use them and introduce yourself to everyone. You get to the point where they know your regular drink * and you dont really drink it maybe half everyday *. You want them to know your name.
Ok now to make this better your first week or so you just play BS and act like your dont know what your doing. You have bad ettiquite, you ask the locals what you should do in obvious spots like your hard 13 V 7. You bet big in bad spots and make side bets and get over exited when they actually win. You should get some of this money back from comps so its ok to blow a little. Dont talk about yourself when you winning. But be sure to point out when you have a losing day.
Ok so its 10 or so days later and you now turn the tide. Hopefully your plan works. Your still putting the big money in just at the right times. You will stay make the dumb side bet occastionlly. Still ask for advice. Everything to keep your fake cover.
If this works you will not only be established at the joint but will be immune to heat since they will be like thats just ____ hes just some local who has no idea what hes doing. And now you have this treasure chest all to yourself.
Id say the worst thing is if you get caught your going down hard. And lose the place for good.
But is it a risk you should take ? It also seems easier to pull of the older you are since most locals are 40+ .
I realize this was done a lot before the whole fake name thing and fake job. But this is to establish yourself as a local and not a AP.
Ok so what you all think ? Has anyone done this or thought about this? Or even better had success with it ?