best blackjack in reno could be here..


Well-Known Member
Siena in reno. they have double down on any 2 cards, single deck games. making it the best blackjack i have found in town so far. i just went there for the first time yesterday and won 9 out the 10 hands i played. which was mostly luck, they where suffling after every 2 deals for 4 people. so the penetration wasn't to good. most of my counts where -1 0 +1 with my highest count being +5..and i lost that one with an 18 vs a the dealers 20 :( but anyway it has a .17% house edge, lowest i've found.


Well-Known Member
Quinc said:
Siena in reno. they have double down on any 2 cards, single deck games. making it the best blackjack i have found in town so far. i just went there for the first time yesterday and won 9 out the 10 hands i played. which was mostly luck, they where suffling after every 2 deals for 4 people. so the penetration wasn't to good. most of my counts where -1 0 +1 with my highest count being +5..and i lost that one with an 18 vs a the dealers 20 :( but anyway it has a .17% house edge, lowest i've found.
Hey Quinc thanks for the tip since I will be up in Reno soon. I dont know where this place is but I will find it. Sounds good.


New Member

Siena is the one casino in Reno that I haven't been to. Based on what you said, it might be worth a look. Most of the casinos in town have single deck games, but with "Reno rules," which mean doubling only on 10 and 11, no doubling after splitting, and the dealer hits a soft 17.

The best game I have found in Reno is at Boomtown, a few minutes west of Reno on I-80. Their single deck games allow you to double after splitting and double down on any two cards. Watch out though if you are counting. This pit knows they offer a good blackjack game, so they are paranoid about counters. Spreading from $5:$25 drew quite a bit of heat. Try to hit the tables when they are busy. It does help.

Also, if you get a chance, try the $19.99 (with Players Club card) all-you-can-eat lobster buffet. The line is a little long, but well worth it.