Best dwntown casino? Best strip?



I know there is a similar thread on this, but this one is a little different. I'm going to Vegas soon and we usually divide our gambling time depending on the location. That is, we're either spending the night on Fremont Street or we're on the main strip.

* What is your favorite place with best rules on Fremont St?
* What is your favorite place with best rules on the Strip?

My playing conditions:
* I usually bring a $1,000 with me for the whole trip (don't laugh!)
* I know basic strat cold, and can count with the hi-lo system
* I like pitch tables, but it's not necessary.
* I really like to double down on those split aces, if poss. :cool2:




Well-Known Member
dbldown said:

I know there is a similar thread on this, but this one is a little different. I'm going to Vegas soon and we usually divide our gambling time depending on the location. That is, we're either spending the night on Fremont Street or we're on the main strip.

* What is your favorite place with best rules on Fremont St?
* What is your favorite place with best rules on the Strip?

My playing conditions:
* I usually bring a $1,000 with me for the whole trip (don't laugh!)
* I know basic strat cold, and can count with the hi-lo system
* I like pitch tables, but it's not necessary.
* I really like to double down on those split aces, if poss. :cool2:


There are some good double deck games down on Fremont though I do not personally know of any that will let you rehit split Aces. Plaza has this DD game. Most of the rest have pretty good DD games also down on Fremont though most of them hit soft 17's. Pen varies from casino to casino and probably from dealer to dealer. 4-Queens has a good $5 single deck game that pays 3:2. You can find others on Fremont but most are $10 and higher or pay 6:5.

If you are looking for cheap action, look to Golden Gate. They have $3 6-deck during the week and early on weekends. H17's though. I think it is 4-Queens that has a $2 table but you had better be prepared to wait a long time for a seat to open up on it.

I don't even bother with the Strip. There are some good games there, but they are not easy to find unless you are in for green action or higher. With $1,000, I imagine you are looking for red action. Not easy to find good games for $5 and $10 minimums on the Strip.


Well-Known Member

I'm also looking for single deck games thats 3:2

btw is the strategy for single deck the same for DD?


Well-Known Member
You'll probably have to look hard for single-deck at 3:2. There were still some downtown when I was there in the Spring; but I am hearing that those are drying up fast. The El Cortez may still have one; but if you do more than flat bet nickles on a $20 buy-in, they'll give you the hook.

The Wizard of Odds makes a distinction in his stretegy charts for single-deck Vs double-deck; but they are near the same.