Best remarks to annoying ploppies


Active Member
I usually ignore the looks, mumbled comments of a ploppie when an index play is made, or how bad it is to mess up the card flow by wonging in/wonging out. My blood has boiled a few times, but kept it cool.

There may be a time though when I'll just have to say something to a major annoyance. Ie. This stocky dunce kept getting on people who didn't play proper basic strategy. The loudmouth applauded when one person left the table. Was waiting for the jerk to say something when I made an index play. He never did, but feel I may have went off on him if he did. At very least would have had to use this AP line I read somewhere, "Buddy if you don't like my play, beat it. There are plenty of other tables."

I figure ignoring them is the best thing to do. There may be that time to say something though. Wanted to get a list of creative remarks.

Please state experiences and how effective comment was.

Even for entertainment purposes, if the plan is to totally piss them off as you're leaving the table by choice on a negative count, or just done for the day. :cool:


Well-Known Member
junior_counter said:
I usually ignore the looks, mumbled comments of a ploppie when an index play is made, or how bad it is to mess up the card flow by wonging in/wonging out. My blood has boiled a few times, but kept it cool.

There may be a time though when I'll just have to say something to a major annoyance. Ie. This stocky dunce kept getting on people who didn't play proper basic strategy. The loudmouth applauded when one person left the table. Was waiting for the jerk to say something when I made an index play. He never did, but feel I may have went off on him if he did. At very least would have had to use this AP line I read somewhere, "Buddy if you don't like my play, beat it. There are plenty of other tables."

I figure ignoring them is the best thing to do. There may be that time to say something though. Wanted to get a list of creative remarks.

Please state experiences and how effective comment was.

Even for entertainment purposes, if the plan is to totally piss them off as you're leaving the table by choice on a negative count, or just done for the day. :cool:
Comments won't be effective at all! If you had an hour, you couldn't convince a ploppy that you are right and he is wrong. Any attempt to do so, only confirms to casino personel that you know at least a little bit about the game. That's not beneficial to you. So while the temptation is always there, the AP move is to just ignore. It becomes easier after a while. :laugh: Even some cute little jab as they are leaving or as you are leaving, only has the potential to possible make someone remember you more, which is a negative. :(


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you can use the situation to your advantage. If you've got a good rapport with the dealer and the players, it's very easy to "defend the table" and get the guy to shove off.


Well-Known Member
"I hit 12's vs 5's and 6's..... sometimes. Just ask the dealer. She's seen me do it all morning." My partner shakes her head it agreement and then says something like, "I tell him all the time it's a stupid play and ruins the flow of the cards but he never listens."

The real ploppies run away fast....

The real players... few and far between wait to see when I hit....

The others ... well I probably shouldn't be playing at the same table with those numb nuts... but we'll see how it goes before the count really tanks.



Well-Known Member
Some of my replies to the know-it-alls:

"The dealer's showing a ten - I was SUPPOSED to split my fives!

"I'm just playing the odds!"

"If I WOULD'VE hit my A-4, the ten would've BUSTED me!"

"What do you mean, why did I hit my 16? Because the dealer was showing a six."

"The book SAYS to stand on 12 when the dealer has an ace up!"

"I'm playing THIRD BASE! You HAVE to play differently!"

After one or two of these zingers, the guy will usually just roll his eyes & leave me alone for the rest of the night!


Well-Known Member

I ignore it for awhile, but when enough is enough.....I just look at him and say, listen pal, you let me play with your money, you can tell me how to play. it.

That typically makes them flip out and leave...or they'll say something like, yeah, well whatever, it's your money....and they leave shortly after.


Well-Known Member
tensplitter said:
I wouldn't be playing at a count so low that the index play is to hit a 12 against 5 or 6 unless it's heads up.
Hmm... what could your index be that it is so low you wouldn't be playing?

I use -1 for 12 vs 5, and 0 for 12 vs 6....

maybe you are walking on the -1 but probably not the 0, but then again I use only CVData generated RA indices.

Maybe you'll walk from my table too.......



Well-Known Member
Don't say a word to a plop. Stand at attention before the plop and salute! Show respect for the plop. After all, it's the plop supplying the casino with funds to pay off your winning sessions! Seriously.:joker:


Well-Known Member
Dealer has an three showing. I'm dealt a pair of nines. I split them.

Other player: You have eighteen! Why would you split those and ruin your eighteen?

Me: Because I'm a crazy man!


Well-Known Member
I just heard this this week, but Ima drop it one day when the tensions are really high....

You ask the anoying ploppy....
"Hey... Do you know the difference between a blackjack player and a puppy?"
"Eventually the puppy stops whining"


Well-Known Member
When I do a "crazy" index play like splitting 10's or doubling soft 20 I plan on saying something like "Spock and I have made our minds one and both of us found this play to be logical".:laugh: