Better Count to Use in 1D,2D


Active Member
On Casino Verite's SCORE calculator:poor/Fair SD H17 Spread 1-4 ..the last count type is
HiOptII full for playing,RPC for betting.
What is RPC..I assume running point count but dont know.
and If you want to find more info. on HiOptII it possible without buying HO2 for 40 bucks or whatever it is.

If some one knows this count can you tell me how RPC adds to EV?I know it does not add much ..just curious.

I am preparing for playing SD in MISS. I know HiLo and will use that in good multi-deck games but I am thinking about using a different count for SD and DD for better Playing Efficiency.

I got my choices down to Halves full indexes,AO2 full indexes w/ace side count or lastly HiOpt2 w/full indexes and ace side counts(or without ace side counts ..still very high SCORE )

Is the added difficulty of an ace side count worth the trouble .Any other thoughts on comparing the practicality and playability of these 3 systems.
Thnx for any help

Abraham de Moivre

Well-Known Member
RPC stand for Revere Point Count. See the book, "Playing Blackjack as A Business" by Revere, for particulars.

The tag values are:
-2 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 -2

How you would use this count in conjunction with Hi-OptII
0 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 -2
using only one brain is beyond me.

I would suggest that the Hi-OptII playing / RPC for betting selection is only there for theoretical purposes.
The Hi-OptII count is the highest two-level playing eff. count, while RPC is the highest two-level betting corr. count.

As far as your asking for advice on using different counts for different games (and using full indices),
all I can say is, "GOOD LUCK".

Quick what is the index for
T,4 vs A
A,5 vs 3
here is an easy one: T,3 vs 3

Please give your answers using HiLo S17 multideck and whatever other count you choose from to play SD H17.
Remember you have about 2 seconds to give your answers, the dealer is waiting. (Also, you did remember to add that Ace at 3rd base into your sidecount -- didn't you?)

In other words, it is much, much, much better to do something simple very, very well. As opposed to doing something complicated half-assed (with a marginal gain). Directing your energies towards cover, and your appearance and act in the casino, so you are actually able to play, will have much longer term benefits, than getting .035% more playing effiency over the next 15 hours of playing single deck.