betting according TC


your min bet should 5e -1, 0, 1 , double at +2, double at +3, double again at +4. then one last double at +5. if you start at 5$, bet that at -1 lower, zero and +1. 10$ at +2. 20$ at +3. 40$ at +4 and 80$ at +5. if you can get away with it bet 160$ at +6. other wise stay with a max of 80$


Well-Known Member
The magnitude of the ramp kind of depends on how many decks you're playing. for instance, if you're playing single deck, you'll have a small spread, and may merely add a chip with each increment in the count. But if you're in an 8D shoe, you might be going in with much bigger increases at each TC.

One simplistic rule of thumb (that I liked for its simplisticness) is to assume that each TC + is worth 0.5% advantage. So, for each step up in TC, bet an additional 0.5% of your bankroll. Remember that TC +1 may be zero edge, depending on the house edge of the game you're playing.

For instance, assume $10,000 bankroll:
+5: 200
+4: 150
+3: 100
+2: 50
+1: 25
0 -: as little as you can get away with.

My own personal ramp is even more simplistic, because I use an unbalanced count, and because I'm lazy. I just set my max bet at a fairly arbitrary level compared to my bankroll (under 1%), then "fit" in some sort of bet ramp to the running count that seems natural given the game I'm going to play.


Well-Known Member
Depends on your bankroll and your risk tolerance

Your bet size should be based on how much money you have in your bankroll and your risk tolerance.

My total bank is usually 200-300 max bets, and I place my max bet when the true count (HiLo) is >=+5. When the true count is at +1, I bet roughly 1/5 my max bet, and ramp up to the max bet as the count increases. When the count is <+1, I bet as little as I think I can get away with. If I'm playing a 2-Deck game and the pit boss is parked at my table watching my every move, I may never bet less than 1/5 my max bet. If it's a shoe game and I'm not catching any heat whatsoever, I might bet the table minimum during bad counts. When feasible, I'll bet $0 by wonging out of bad counts.