Betting advice wanted.


New Member
I'm a relatively new counter, but I've been playing black jack for a while. I've been learning about the Hi-Lo system and I have a couple of questions about betting. First of all wouldn't betting multiples of your initial bet relative to the count really set off red flags? I mean if I was betting like this:
I'd think they'd be able to pick-up on that pretty easily. Anyways, I was just wondering if you all had any tips on how to change up your betting in order to break said patterns (If it really matters).



Well-Known Member
At $5 tables it shouldn't matter too much as long as you're not going over 50 or 60. Plus, that pattern that you spelled out could just as easily be some dumb progression. When the count gets good and I bet more, sometimes I'll say something like, "time to change it up" if I'd been losing, or "better ride the hot streak" if I'd been winning.