Betting limits


I am interested to know what the betting limits are at a typical large casino for the various tables - especially the $25 tables and up.



Well-Known Member
Large casinos? Vegas strip $25 tables will go up to $10,000.00 for sure. If your looking for more then I'm sure the high stakes rooms at places such as Bellagio and MGM will take more action than that, I'm sure someone on here can give you a 100% right on answer on that.
I'm not sure what a 6D max bet avg. is at large casinos but I'm gonna find out soon.


runningaces said:
Large casinos? Vegas strip $25 tables will go up to $10,000.00 for sure. If your looking for more then I'm sure the high stakes rooms at places such as Bellagio and MGM will take more action than that, I'm sure someone on here can give you a 100% right on answer on that.
I'm not sure what a 6D max bet avg. is at large casinos but I'm gonna find out soon.

More then you can handle if you have to ask.


Well-Known Member
lol inplay, the max bet is way more than i can handle and thats for sure! In fact in my early stages of cardcounting, I can honestly say I don't even look at the max bet on the sign, I look at the minimum bet which is much more important. I'm moving to 6D and thats why I say I'll find out soon, by the sign not by my bet. Anyway if count and have the BR to bet the max, and do bet the max with a high count your either banned or using crutches for a long time.


Well-Known Member
I would say MOST $25 tables would have lower maxes of $500 up to about $5000. But even then there will be lower and higher outliers.


InPlay said:
More then you can handle if you have to ask.
I don't gamble with real money with my BJ program, so I can assure you the max bet is no problem. Unless, of course, you are suggesting I couldn't handle the answer, Colonel Jessep.