Betting over table max in 3CP


Well-Known Member
I was recently standing behind a 3 Card Poker table trying to see if a dealer was flashing her cards when I witnessed a man betting $200 on the Pairs Plus bet.

He actually was dealt a straight and was obviously very happy! Anyway the dealer calls over the PB for the >$1000 payout but the PB says:

"The limit on Pairs Plus is $100. It's written right here on the table limit sign."
(The sign was digital and it was written in small letters under the main min/max limits)

Anyway the guy tries to argue that he was allowed to make the bet so he should get paid on the full $200 but the PB makes the dealer push $100 of the bet back before paying out.

I have never seen anyone bet over table max before - Is this correct procedure for any game or should a bet be paid if a dealer allows it?




Well-Known Member
Did they take previous $200 losers?

I think it's normal for them to push back the portion of the bet that is over the limit whenever they notice it. I have seen winning hands short paid because of the table limit, and losing hands get a "rebate" of how much they were over the table limit, and bets "adjusted" in the middle of the hand when they are noticed to be over the limit.

Of course, if the guy had at any point lost a $200 pair plus bet he would have every right to be furious. If the dealer allowed the bet that is a big dealer mistake and puts the pit boss in a tough spot.


Well-Known Member
Unless they refund him 100% of his lost pairplus wagers then this is obviously a terrible ruling.


Well-Known Member
Definite grounds for a complaint to the gaming authorities. The general rule is, "Pay or take to the table limit." However, if the dealer knowingly accepts a bet over the table limit, the casino should have to live with the consequences. If a player has a history over a number of hands of betting over the posted limit, and the casino has accepted those bets, the casino is going to have a tough time arguing for limiting one losing bet after the fact.

Many casinos will routinely allow bets in agreed amounts above posted limits, for "known players." And BTW, it can be worth asking for. You rarely get anything valuable in life without asking.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I wouldn't ask to go over table limit on 3cp, if table max is $100. You're doing fine with $100.


Well-Known Member
This is NOT grounds for a complaint to Gaming.

In most jurisdictions, a casino cannot by LAW pay out more than the table max (unless, of course; the player has prearranged permission), nor can they legally take anything in excess of the max if you lose the hand. If they KNOWINGLY do either, they face the likelihood of HUGE consequences.

This law can be used as a free-roll situation once in a while. For example: The limit is $200, the casino is very busy - the floorman isn't watching very closely; the dealer is relatively inexperienced. I might try to make a bet of $300. Three things will happen: 1) MOST of the time, the dealer notices that I'm over the limit and corrects the bet. 2) I win the hand and get paid $300 & no one notices what just happened. 3) I lose the hand & the dealer takes my money.

Instance 1: No harm no foul.
Instance 2: I go back to $200, at least for a while; no sense killing a good thing.
Instance 3: This is the GOOD part of the move - I pull out about $1500 and try to bet it, while loudly asking "How much is the limit?". The dealer looks at the sign & says "$200". My reply? "But I just bet $300 and you took my money!". At this point he calls the PB over and I get refunded $100 (He will probably lose his job if he DOESN'T give me the money back; and he KNOWS it).

If used correctly you can get away with this move several times a year...... :cool:


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
Personally, I wouldn't ask to go over table limit on 3cp, if table max is $100. You're doing fine with $100.
For sure. The variance of 3CP is a killer.

I've lost 2K in 5 minutes and won 8K in 20 minutes playing 1x100.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
21forme said:
For sure. The variance of 3CP is a killer.

I've lost 2K in 5 minutes and won 8K in 20 minutes playing 1x100.
This guys was playing 2xtable max on the pairs... I don't think variance or "doing fine" concerns him, to be honest.