Beyond Basic Strategy


Well-Known Member
What is the biggest return for a BS strategy player after BS is mastered, especially if the player doesn't want to get into CC?

I've heard rumors of "composite basic strategy", where strategy will be modified depending on how many cards have been played on the hand (i.e. hitting a three-card 16 might be different than a two card 16.).

I could be at the same time clueless. Any advice? (A newbie)


Well-Known Member
bjhack said:
What is the biggest return for a BS strategy player after BS is mastered, especially if the player doesn't want to get into CC?

I've heard rumors of "composite basic strategy", where strategy will be modified depending on how many cards have been played on the hand (i.e. hitting a three-card 16 might be different than a two card 16.).

I could be at the same time clueless. Any advice? (A newbie)
I was also curious about this. While there are some composite strategies that differ from BS (standing 7,7 v 10 in SD or hitting 10,2 v 4 until up to 5D i believe?) I wonder if there are diminishing effects afterwards, as there are only a few deviations in CD BS or if it is actually greater as more cards are added. However, I think that if you are counting, the counting deviations overrule the CD BS deviations regardless of how far you go. Is this right?


Well-Known Member
Composite BS is helpful, learning how to comp count is better if you have the right disposition. Not everyone can be a successful comp whore.


Well-Known Member
bjhack said:
What is the biggest return for a BS strategy player after BS is mastered, especially if the player doesn't want to get into CC?

Any advice? (A newbie)
you cant win by just playing basic strategy, just makes you lose less.


Well-Known Member
mjbballar23 said:
you cant win by just playing basic strategy, just makes you lose less.
I'm very aware that for most casino rules, you will lose. I just want to lose less.


Its not called composite BS - composite means a standard BS for all games.
You are referring to composition-dependent BS and it ain't worth squat.

Insurance would be the single most powerful count factor to add after BS.

Assuming that you will do NO COUNTING whatsoever, comp-counting is the ticket
and actually more powerful than card-counting. zg


Well-Known Member
bjhack said:
What is the biggest return for a BS strategy player after BS is mastered, especially if the player doesn't want to get into CC?

I've heard rumors of "composite basic strategy", where strategy will be modified depending on how many cards have been played on the hand (i.e. hitting a three-card 16 might be different than a two card 16.).

I could be at the same time clueless. Any advice? (A newbie)

Chapter 6 of "Blackjack Bluebook II" describes several scenarios to further decrease the HA without a full-blown count system. On page 211 It is stated that these techniques can bring the HA to 0.20% "against a six deck shoe with typical rules and 4 1/4 decks dealt".
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Well-Known Member
SleightOfHand said:
I was also curious about this. While there are some composite strategies that differ from BS (standing 7,7 v 10 in SD or hitting 10,2 v 4 until up to 5D i believe?) I wonder if there are diminishing effects afterwards, as there are only a few deviations in CD BS or if it is actually greater as more cards are added. However, I think that if you are counting, the counting deviations overrule the CD BS deviations regardless of how far you go. Is this right?

Hitting 10/2 v 4 is up to 6D.


Well-Known Member
bjhack said:
What is the biggest return for a BS strategy player after BS is mastered, especially if the player doesn't want to get into CC?
I would say the next step is to go partners with other players who chicken out on their double downs and splits. Just make sure you play the positive splits and not the defensive ones.