"Beyond Counting" is for sale on ebay


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, you bet. When the price of a book jumps from $40 to $400 you know it must be in demand.



Well-Known Member
is the book

any good ? Some people swear by it and others say it sucks . Any opinion on it ?:) :grin: ;) :cool2:


Well-Known Member
glovesetc said:
any good ? Some people swear by it and others say it sucks . Any opinion on it ?:) :grin: ;) :cool2:
For serious players it can open a lot of doors. For recreational players it just isn't worth the money. IMHO $500 is a little steep for a starting bid (you've got to start low and generate interest) but there's no doubt it'll sell.



Well-Known Member
3 reasons people dislike this book -

1) It's very maths heavy
2) There are many points where the book discussess uncommon circumstances that your regular player isn't going to come accross very often (he talks about how to beat just about every casino game - you can't expect them all to be as straight forward or easy as blackjack)
3) A lot of people who would consider themselves 'in the know' felt it revealed a bit too much.

On the other hand, JG got himself into the BJHOF very quickly - he's by far the youngest member as far as i'm aware - by writing this book so there's got to be something to it lol. Haven't read it myself, was going to wait for the new edition, but i'm hearing that may not every make it out. I'll give it a bit longer before i buy it off ebay.


blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Oh, "Beyond Counting" is a great book!

I know a copy sold on Ebay last month for $500. The title says it all, it adds greatly to a players abilities. The book covers how to play every casino game I can think of. It definately has ground breaking information. The section on BJ has a lot of information I have not read elsewhere. It has value to a recreational beginner or someone more experienced.


Well-Known Member
You could also pick it up here:-

(Dead link: http://search.abaa.org/dbp2/book342134065.html)



Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Isn't there a second edition due out soon?
The second edition was due to come out a year ago. They are still working on the book but are no longer giving any ETAs for the release date. :confused:



Well-Known Member
As i stated above, i've heard from some sources that i'll leave un-named that there's a good chance that the second edition - or at least the player's only edition - will never actually make it to press.


blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Interesting info.

RJT said:
You could also pick it up here:-

(Dead link: http://search.abaa.org/dbp2/book342134065.html)

This site offers "Beyond Counting" for $600, so $500 on ebay seems reasonable.


Well-Known Member
Is it worth it to buy the book for $500 or $600 for someone who intends to become a more serious player in the future
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I've read at least a dozen, maybe two dozen, books. At this point, I can't imagine what else could be added reading another.


Well-Known Member
avs21 said:
Is it worth it to buy the book for $500 or $600 for someone who intends to become a more serious player in the future
How did you know my birthday is coming up? :laugh:

Seriously though, any serious player would love to get this book. And if they don't like it they can always get $500 for it on eBay! It's the gift that keeps on giving.



Well-Known Member
letsdothis21 said:
so where did people buy this book in the first place?

thats a lot for a book...
Its all relative. For a serious player looking for some valuable information that might help out his game it might be looked at as investment more than just a book. Besides, after you read it and maybe take some notes, who's to say you can't sell it for close to or what you paid for it.

Barry Bonds' 756th homerun ball right now is estimated at being worth around $600,000. Seems like a lot of money for a ball, but its all relative to the buyers wants and needs.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Just one more book?

21forme said:
I've read at least a dozen, maybe two dozen, books. At this point, I can't imagine what else could be added reading another.
If you read so many books then you must have thought that each book had something to offer? Is the magic number of books to read to reach full knowledge two dozen? I have read many books also and this book does have much to offer that others do not. In a capitalist society the market determines value. The market place states the value of this book is $500 to $600. If the book was a repeat of previous texts it would not have such value.