Biloxi, Baton Rouge, and Anywhere In Between

H Bomb

Active Member
I'm hitting Biloxi and Baton Rouge in couple weeks, and will be driving from one place to the other. I play mostly DD, spreading 1-5 on green. But I can branch out for very good 6D. If I do play 6D I'm contemplating spreading 1-12 or 15 $10 min. I heard Beau Rivage has some good DD. Other places worth considering there or along the way? Also how much should I be concerned about heat and cover play? I have a rule to never play more than 1 hour straight at a place, although I've been known to break it. :laugh: If there aren't nearby options I'll stop after an hour, take at least a 5 minute break, then sit down at a different table. Also I plan to hit different shifts. I assume all casinos' shifts are 8am-4pm, 4pm-12pm, 12pm-8am? Thanks for any help!


Well-Known Member

You can play til the cows come home with that spread at BR. Either be kind and hang out or go crazy and hit and run them.

I can't speak for any other cities but Biloxi has no other decent dd in my opinion and good but not "very good" 6D abounds.