Biloxi - Not what I was expecting


Well-Known Member
I just came back from my Spring Break where I visited Nashville, New Orleans, and South Carolina and hit Biloxi inbetween.

I have always heard people talking about playing on the Gulf Coast and Biloxi having casinos, but it appeared to be like 3 on the water (Beau, Hard Rock, some other one) and 1 a little ways back. 4 casinos was a good amount i guess

Really no development of any kind on the beach and not to many restaurants or shops. 2 blocks from the casinos I feel like I'm going to get mugged.

Just throwing out my two cents here. Is Tunica different?


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I just came back from my Spring Break where I visited Nashville, New Orleans, and South Carolina and hit Biloxi inbetween.

I have always heard people talking about playing on the Gulf Coast and Biloxi having casinos, but it appeared to be like 3 on the water (Beau, Hard Rock, some other one) and 1 a little ways back. 4 casinos was a good amount i guess

Really no development of any kind on the beach and not to many restaurants or shops. 2 blocks from the casinos I feel like I'm going to get mugged.

Just throwing out my two cents here. Is Tunica different?

Remember that part of the Gulf is still a long way from recovering from Katrina. Perhaps theres no development now, but what was there a few years ago?
In 1979, I drove Highway 10 from Nawlins to Florida, accompanied by a several years old AAA guide. Very few of the motels/ eateries listed in the book were to be found. I did find a sign for a recommended hotel, right smack in the middle of nowhere.


Staff member
Biloxi has 8 casinos, and there are 11 in the area.

Palace, Boomtown, IP all on Biloxi Bay, a few blocks from the beach.
Isle of Capri, Grand, Hard Rock, Beau Rivage, Treasure Bay on the Gulf.
In Gulfport about 10 miles away is Island View.
30 miles further down the beach are Island View and Silver Slipper.

shadroch is right about the impact of Katrina. The entire beachfront looks completely different than it did in early 2005. Before the storm there was hardly any area of the beach that wasn't completely developed. The storm took all that away, and very little has been rebuilt near the beach. (There were also two more casinos before the storm, Grand Gulfport and the President.)

As for being worried about being mugged, I don't perceive the areas around the casinos as being particularly dangerous at all.

Now, about Tunica... There's even much less development around the casinos in Tunica. Those casinos were built far from established towns in the middle of a farming area. In Tunica, there's nothing to do outside the casinos.


Well-Known Member
Oh I didn't think about that. I know Mississippi did take the full brunt of the storm compared to N.O. that only got side-swiped by it but just got screwed by flooding.

I must have not been paying good enough attention because I only saw 4 casinos!


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I just came back from my Spring Break where I visited Nashville, New Orleans, and South Carolina and hit Biloxi inbetween.

I have always heard people talking about playing on the Gulf Coast and Biloxi having casinos, but it appeared to be like 3 on the water (Beau, Hard Rock, some other one) and 1 a little ways back. 4 casinos was a good amount i guess

Really no development of any kind on the beach and not to many restaurants or shops. 2 blocks from the casinos I feel like I'm going to get mugged.

Just throwing out my two cents here. Is Tunica different?
Hey Dyepaintball12, just returned from my first foray into Tunica. Ken's right, there really isn't anything to do but gamble in Robinsonville/Tunica, except golf. It would take a lot for me to want to go back, as most of the SD games were unplayable owing to crowded conditions and poor pen. Most of my profits were made at DD, and even that took a lot of scouting to find the best opportunities. The casinos are fairly concentrated, with all of them within a 12 or so mile radius so you will need a car. Although it was a nice, profitable trip, I would have to say the highlights for me were the nice gym at Harrah's and the Paula Deen buffet . . . give me Biloxi any day! ;)