bizzare-what do you make of this ?????


Well-Known Member
I recently posted a question to Zengrifter about his KO post, and in it mentioned I was a novice that has mastered basic and am teaching myself rookie KO. Ialso mentioned that I was nor going to play in a casino until I feel I am ready. Well, today, I had to go to a city 2 hrs away for business,which also happens to have the nearest casino to me. My wife came along, and after my meetings, I decided to go to the casino, not to play, but to get acquainted with house rules, and also to see if I could keep up w/ count. I must add at this time I have never played at this casino, and have only been it in once(I had to work a bingo for the basketball team I help coach) So after we checked out the slots and what not, I finally wondered over to the tables. Watched a dealer break in new cards on a 6 deck table; watched a couple of guys play at a 2-decker, giving $$$ to the casino, then finally stood behind a busy table and just watched. I counted some-found it easier than I thought. I was just glancing around, really just checking out the atmosphere, when I caught a pit boss looking at me. No biggie I thought. I watched some more, and then he wondered closer to the table I was standing behind w/ my wife. He made eye contact with me, which I thought was bizzare, as I wasnt really honing in on every hand and making it obvious.
All of this took maybe 30 min ? So, we left the table area, and we're walking quite slowly away, checking out a bar and open restaurant, which was maybe 100-150 feet away from tables, when out of nowhere the same PB stops me and my wife and asks ''excuse me sir, did you leave some money at the table'' ? I was really caught off guard, as was my wife. I said no, and he repeated the question, and soon it came apparent he was, I thought, or had another intention to stopping us. I was puzzled, and said that I hadnt even played, so how could I leave money their ? I joked he could give it to us though. He promptly turned around and left. I strongly felt he was up to something. Forgive me for the long post, but, I went into detail to see if this has happened to any of the experienced players out their, and maybe give me an answer as to what he was up to. I mean, cmon, who in the hell in their right mind(and you CANNOT drink alcohol at these tables) would leave money their, and, would any experienced PB not know wether I played or not ? I t wasnt that busy. After a while, I was actually miffed at this. Is it nothing ? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

I was so pissed, I went to the other casino in town, counted 2 shoes w/ KO rookie, and proceeded to kick the casinos ass. Only started w/ 60.00 as it was first time and I really had no intention of playing. I felt vindicated !
Forge ahead my fellow novices, and do not fear the heat !


golfnut101 said:
Forgive me for the long post, but, I went into detail to see if this has happened to any of the experienced players out their, and maybe give me an answer as to what he was up to. I mean, cmon, who in the hell in their right mind(and you CANNOT drink alcohol at these tables) would leave money there?
Happens all the time. I would say that he had his attention on you BECAUSE he thought you left money there. zg


Well-Known Member
I've seen it happen before

Sometimes someone gets up to use a restroom and never returns. Or they run into friends and get distracted.
One time on the way back from a bathroom break,I threw $20 in a slot machine,hit for about 100 quarters and when I went to cashout,the machine was short and I had to wait for an attendent. I fretted while they refilled the hopper,as I wasn't sure how long they'd hold the seat open for me.Worked out well,but had I hit the big,big jackpot,I might have forgotten my $50 or so inthe excitement.