I was only there once about a year ago. My flight was overbooked so I gave up my seat and the airline gave me a free night in the Hampton Inn across the street. I decided to check out the WWW but the only shirt I had was my Blackbelt in BJ shirt (with the yin-yang BJ logo on it). My luggage had already been packed on the airplane and was on it‘s way to Boston so I was stuck. I had to sneak through the casino, into the gift shop to buy a stupid t-shirt, then into the bathroom to change.
Actually, the t-shirt was pretty cool. It had the West Coast Customs logo but said Wild Wild West instead. Okay, I guess it’s pretty stupid, but it gives me great cover in other casinos.
In the casino I saw nothing but a CSM and a crowded DD table with bad rules and pen. Unless your friends noticed something incredible you can skip this joint, unless you want a t-shirt.