BJ Computers


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows its illegal to use a computer in casinos in the USA but does anybody know exactly where the law stands in the UK?

I suspect its properly illegal here too to use machines like the ones that Keith & Marty Taft created but I've never seen any information to confirm this?

What are the ins & outs of the law? for example, would browsing the internet on your laptop whilst playing BJ be illegal? What if you were looking at this site? Could you legally use a calculator or record playing time using a stop watch? would using an abacus be classed as illegal?

How far does the law go?


Well-Known Member
Yep, it's illegal in UK too, classed as cheating isn't it... You can go away for a very long time for cheating in a casino, and anyway, counting is more stylish than using a computer.. that's for nerds ;)

As for the internet thing, do you mean as you played in a casino?? Wouldn't that be a bit weird. I presume there is nothing wrong with using a calculator or stopwatch but it would get on a lot of people's nerves .

Count Von Count

New Member
jay28 said:
Everyone knows its illegal to use a computer in casinos in the USA but does anybody know exactly where the law stands in the UK?
I am pretty sure it is cheating - there was a case in America that has set a precedent in the states, and by the same logic I am sure a similar ruling would be reached here in the UK (although the American ruling does not apply in the UK).

I would actually be more scared of the management taking me round the back of the casino out of public view to give me knuckle-debrief!


Well-Known Member
ok for roulette but not blackjack?

Harman said:
Yep, it's illegal in UK too, classed as cheating isn't it... You can go away for a very long time for cheating in a casino, and anyway, counting is more stylish than using a computer.. that's for nerds ;)

lol - we're all nerds on here!

Are you sure that true that it is classed as cheating in the uk and also illegal. After all the law was brought about in the states because the casinos fought for it. We don't have any cities like LV in the UK, so no major force to fight for this kind of law being brought in.

What's also interesting is that you often see people writing down all the numbers that come in on a roulette wheel, to help with a betting strategy. This is often encouraged by the casinos because as we know a
a roulette wheel has no memory. However, what happens if i keep a tally of all the cards played in BJ? How can a casino say thats ok for one game but not the other?


Not too sure as I'm not a lawyer (have more scruple than that!). The roulette cheating team at the Ritz got away with it I believe, but it is no doubt a grey area.

Anyway, these machines apparently take several months of training to be able to use them effectively. Plus if it is not illegal, it will only be a matter of time. The UK generally follows the US' lead.

Could you imagine spending a year training, only to find out you could spend 5 years in the slammer for your trouble?