BJ Experts , please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
if the casino offer this rule:

when the palyer hit his fifth card and still not burst

then he can choose to take half profit and no matter what the dealer finally get

how much favour this offer can add to the player??

and in what cases should we take the half profit first

and also , i think the basic stragery for this game may also have some change

such as should we hit 12 vs 4 5 6 or 13 vs 2 -6 when we get the forth card??

i hope some expert can answer me , thanks a lot


Well-Known Member

What would this be called? "Crippled Charlie?" I don't know man, but I cannot see that as being much of a rule that could favor a player in the case of drawing a 5th card with a 12-16 versus a dealer's 2-6 at the expense of forfeiting 1/2 my potential win. I think I would stand and see if the dealer would bust.

I might consider taking 1/2 the win if I had a 4-card stiff and the dealer was showing a "made hand" (7-Ace). I mean, I might hit the 5th card and if I didn't bust and my total was higher than what the dealer is showing +10, I'd stand and refuse the decreased 5-card win. If my total was less than the dealers hand +10 then I would take the 1/2 win and run.

I do not have the math to back that up though.


Staff member
Wong's book Basic Blackjack has a strategy for this.
He says it's worth 0.7% to the player if you can opt for half-win before the dealer checks for blackjack, 0.6% otherwise. Those are higher numbers than would have guessed.

He provides full strategy charts for the rule, but I'll partially answer your question.

Hit any four card 12,13 or 14 vs any dealer upcard. Hit any four card soft 18, and most four-card soft 19s. There are plenty of other odd plays.

Take the half-win with any 5 card total of 18 or lower, take it with 19 except against dlr 7 and 8, and take the half-win with 20 vs ten.


Well-Known Member
.6% or .7% is a LOT more than I'd have thought a 1/2 win would provide. Though I've never seen Wong's book nor have I seen this 1/2 Charlie rule anywhere I've played, the implication is that there may be many other oddities in Blackjack that could provide advantage that I'm not familiar with! Thanks Ken.


Well-Known Member
thats a no hole card game , so it may worth

+0.6 %

and they also offer suited 6 7 8 and 777 1:3 also rise a little + EV

what the difference is

they just allow 11 doubling

i know no 9 and soft doubling is just - 0.21%

so i think no 10 doubling must be a much larger negative

so they can offer such rule

i wonder no 10 doubling would get a more than -1 %?


expert of BJ help me with this

If anyone know how to calculate this ... let me know the stats

Dealer has a 7 decks

pull on SOFT 17 ( A 6 )

and if i play 7 hands all with the same amount ...

out of 100 hands....

i stop whenever it's over 11 .. ( never bust strategy )

will it work?