

what is the minimum time it takes for bj survey voice to complete player analysis? I thougt it was 75min but i just read 30 (in "blackjack blueprint")


Well-Known Member
It depends on the shoe. Some shoes are neutral all the way through so you aren’t changing your betting or playing very often. The software cannot detect a counter unless they are playing like one. If the shoe gets very hot or very cold then the software will be able to correlate your playing and/or betting to the count and you will be busted.

That is why some players will end a session after a certain number of “max bet cycles” instead of using a time limit.

But the software is not the only factor here. You also have to think about the bureaucracy of the casino. It may take a floorman 20 minutes to catch you, but then he has to inform a pit boss. The pit boss may observe you for another 10-20 minutes before getting suspicious and calling surveillance. Surveillance will then use the software to get a positive ID on your skills. Once they inform the pit boss that you are definitely a card counter, the pit boss will round up a few security guards and approach your table. The whole song and dance can easily take 75 minutes even though any one of those employees can spot you in less than 20.

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Well-Known Member
It depends on the conditions. If you’re playing in a casino that you know is sweaty then you might stick to a one or two cycle hit-and-run. In bigger casinos you can get away with it as long as you want. Wonging into the shoe game at the Western and betting several green chips will get you heat right away but you can do it almost all day long at the MGM (with much better rules too!).

Different casinos will require different tactics. It is very important to get a feel for each casino’s “choke point” and adjust your strategy to suit it. That may involve using different session lengths (time limit, bet cycles, perceived heat, etc.), different playing strategies (WiWo, White Rabbit Wonging, play all, different spreads, cover plays, etc.) or simply walking out without playing at all.

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Well-Known Member
White rabbit wonging?

Hi Sonny-
I'm familiar with Wonging in and Wonging out,but what is white rabbit Wonging? Does it mean Wonging in and out faster than normal?


rogue1 said:
Hi Sonny-
I'm familiar with Wonging in and Wonging out,but what is white rabbit Wonging? Does it mean Wonging in and out faster than normal?
It implies a scientific basis for when to disappear, down the rabbit hole. zg


Well-Known Member
when used with wonging

zengrifter said:
It implies a scientific basis for when to disappear, down the rabbit hole. zg
It is properly said as , white wabbit wonging and when said three times very quickly, you do disappear. Frustrates the pit every time.

Seriously, perhaps the most important thing here is knowing something about your opposition. I do not think the Western for instance, depends upon a sophisticated piece of machinery in the eye to evaluate your play. Simply, the pit will spot you spreading and betting too much for them (too much might be a couple of reds) and back you off in a matter of minutes.

As said before, places that can handle big bets might ignore the green chip counter for days as long as he does not piss off the pit. If you do get evaluated it will often be your being spotted by the pit and the pit will call the eye to run an evaluation program. The general rule is that it takes three shoes to get a stastically reasonable evaluation of a player. So sometime in the middle of the third shoe, begin the chant, "white wabbit wonging."
