Black Jack Stragedy Trainer


New Member
Hi all, Newbie question here.

I've been practicing with the online trainer at this site, and i notice that after a few thousand hands (and with using the optional trainer 'on') I never seem to average more than 43 or 44% in wins. I'm using the Revere hi-low count (somewhat applying a true count ratio for betting purposes) and the basic stragedy inherent within the trainer, and am consistently winning money (with some occassional lows of up to 90 betting units or so), but I'm wondering if such a low winning percentage is correct. Am I doing something wrong? I keep reading that the basic stagedy should get you roughly even with the house. Is 3 or 4 thousand hands still too few to get an accurate expected winning percentage? Thanks for any tips!


44% wins

Basic strategy gets you to roughly 50% because you can split, double down and receive 3-2 on blackjacks. No matter what system you use, unless you are a psysic, you should win about 44%, lose 48%, and push the other 8%.


Well-Known Member
Hard concept to grasp


You say you are counting, but still using basic strategy, which tells me you're not making any index plays. So, just because the cards are being counted does not mean they're going to come out in a different order (favorable to you, for example). Since you're playing basic strategy you're still going to win the same number of hands.

You do say you're winning money, though, and that is, after all, the whole point.

Index plays: The strategy trainer agrees with me about 96-98% of the time, the difference being when I make index plays. So with only maybe 3% of hands being index plays I'm not sure even that would change your winning percentage by much.


New Member
deltaduke - thanks for the response. Yeah, I was forgetting to factor in double downs and splits and thinking that with the trainer on I should get a direct 50% win ratio in actual hands, rather than 50% in dollar amount (assuming no counting, of course). My bad. It seems like a 44% win ratio is about right as this is what I continually seem to get after several thousand hands on both my office and home computers. Its pretty amazing how consistent it is over time.


New Member
Canceler, yeah I haven't taken the time to study the charts for index plays as of yet. That's my next step. Basically, I've just been practicing counting and applying a simple hi-low betting stategy just to see how well it works in principle. As far as money returns, it works pretty darn well even without the index plays, I'd have to say. Of course this is in perfect playing conditions, I'm sure doing it in a actual casino will be another thing. Thanks for the input.