Blackjack at Paris or Caesars Palace?


New Member
Hi, everyone. My wife and I are planning a trip to Las Vegas. We're not high rollers, but we enjoy playing blackjack together. We also like to stay at the same place where we play (to avoid having to walk back to our hotel late at night after playing).

So, I'm wondering if you folks can help me decide where to stay. We'd prefer to play at $10 tables. We'll be going in the middle of the week (Monday through Thursday). My understanding is that we should be able to find $10 tables at Paris and perhaps at Caesars Palace during the day. Does that sound right? I would prefer to stay at Caesars Palace because I like the rooms, but would consider Paris if that's the better of the two places for $10 blackjack. But, I've never been to the Paris casino. Can anyone tell me about blackjack at Paris? What about blackjack at Caesars? Any $10 tables there during the week?

I'm interested in card counting, but don't know much about it at this point. I've memorized basic strategy, however, and play by the book every hand.

Thanks for your help. I'd be interested in suggestions behind Paris or Caesars Palace as well.


Well-Known Member
Games are mediocre,at best.But if you are a BS player,its not much worse than you'll find in the area.I actually prefer Paris to Caesars as far as hotels gobut your milage may vary.,


Well-Known Member
You'll find more $10 dollar tables overall at Paris.

Be careful of 6/5 blackjack at both properties.


Well-Known Member
Wesley_Null said:
I would prefer to stay at Caesars Palace because I like the rooms
I'm finding it a little hard to believe that $10 blackjack is actually the main factor in this decision. Your room at the Paris should be significantly less expensive and considerably larger. I also strongly prefer the casual dining options at Paris; as a matter of fact, I frequently walk to the Paris for breakfast or lunch when I stay elsewhere.

That being said, I'm not 100% sure there's $10 blackjack at Caesars any more, even in the middle of a weekday. I never saw a table less than $15 when I stayed there a few months ago, but I wasn't looking very hard (because of aforementioned poor rules). Bill's Gambling Saloon (or whatever Barbary Coast is now called) has $10 tables almost all the time and is just across the street from Caesars Palace.

Paris definitely has $10 tables which are fine for basic strategy players, as does Bally's, which is connected and also has $10 tables. Planet Hollywood has $10 tables all day and all night, and is actually very close to the Paris because of the way entrances and exits are arranged. The Bellagio also has $10 games most of the time - they use continuous shuffle machines on all low-limit games, but that's fine for basic strategy play.


New Member
Mirage or Paris?

Thanks to both of you for your help. What about the Mirage? How would you compare it to Paris both for $10 blackjack and the quality of the rooms?


Well-Known Member
I've never stayed or played at mirage,so no help there. I do enjoy their Dolphin habitat,for whatever thats worth.


Well-Known Member
Wesley_Null said:
What about the Mirage? How would you compare it to Paris both for $10 blackjack and the quality of the rooms?
I've never stayed at the Mirage either, so I can't help on the rooms side. They do have a good breakfast buffet, though (Cravings).

As for blackjack, Mirage will probably have a decent $10 blackjack game during the day, but the limits will go up at night. The Mirage, unlike Caesars Palace and Paris, is a MGM-Mirage property, and MGM properties have a pretty standard 6D shoe game: H17, DAS, DA2, LS, RSany, 75% penetration (not that penetration will matter to you). At my last walkthrough, Mirage had a bunch of CSM games as well.

During the day you can also check out Treasure Island, which has a few $5 tables (MGM rules).


Well-Known Member
Mirage is a pretty decent semi-low roller area with good rules for the location.

I have played 10 dollar tables there, but got frustrated at the amount of newbie slow play :)


Well-Known Member
Do Caesars lower limit (<$50) still have really terrible rules, even by Harrahs standards? D9 and nDAS? If so I would avoid at all costs.


Well-Known Member
No. Caesars has Double after split and double all cards.

Its just the pen is generally not as good as MGM properties and they tend to have more 8 deck games.

Now Caesars does offer a nice DD game, but table min is 500 when you cna get the same or better game at other properties at lower limits.