blackjack computers?


Well-Known Member
anyone know where to get them and how well they work? i know there illegal in nevada but what about indian casinos in califorina and other states?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by Blackjack computers? Computers that you take to the table and use to tell you what to bet and how to play?

If so, I would think that they are illegal in most places, but I'm not certain.


Well-Known Member
yes! from what i've read they are only illegal in nevada. so i figuared it wouldn't hurt to use one in the indian casinos of california.


I would imagine they would be illegal everywhere. Thats a hefty fine and what is it up to 10 years in prison? Not something to mess around with, unless the computer is imbeded in your skin or something heh


Well-Known Member
I'm quite sure they're not illegal everywhere and if someone finds out where to get one let the message board know!

I once saw a card counting computer mentioned on a documentary I watched about card counting, unfortunately the guy who made them sold them for either $1000 or $10,000.


Well-Known Member
I'm still thinking that they'd have to be illegal in most places, but they may not be.

I think that a card counting computer would not be that hard to make. All you'd need is a small computer like a PDA that has the appropriate program/s on it. No big deal. There is software available that would probably suit already.

But why not just learn to count cards yourself? Carrying around even a PDA and entering data into it and then looking to see what it tells you to do would bring pit bosses and security onto you like flies to sh!t.

If you were serious you could go further than that and have something like pressure pads taped to your legs inside your pants so you could just press for different functions, and have a wireless ear piece to transmit results to you.
But to get any real advantage over normal counting you'd have to have quite a few 'buttons' to tell it what cards have come out, and i think the 'eye in the sky' guys would get pretty sus if you start playing 'Chopsticks' on your leg.

Thats my opinion anyway. Just learn to count yourself.


Well-Known Member
Quinc said:
i just did a search and found this."blackjack computers"&OVKEY=black jack computer&OVMTC=standard

its a real simple one just does hi/lo count and tells you when to hit stand double split increase or decrease bet.

looks like a car alarm remote
It IS a car alarm remote, just with a different (pretty basic) circuit in it.

It does NOT tell you when to hit/stand/double/split/increase or decrease bet.

All it does is keep track of how many times you've pressed button A, how many times you've pressed button B, and then, when you press button C, it'll vibrate a number of bursts either short or long, that tell you how many more times you've hit A than B, or B than A. Thats it. ( I assume it has a reset button too.)

It doesn't do anything more than a card counter can.
Negatives of this device are that it still requires you to recognize all the card values and enter them into it, which may get picked up by the pit/security.
Also, you'd have to wait for it to emit it's vibrations before you could bet.

Why not just learn to count cards? All this device does is eliminate the need to keep count. You still have to do all the other parts. You still have to look at all cards and assign values before pushing the button. You still have to know Basic Strategy, you still have to divide for the true count, you still have to use a bet progression, you still have to learn count affected playing strategies.


Well-Known Member
aussiecounter said:
If you were serious you could go further than that and have something like pressure pads taped to your legs inside your pants so you could just press for different functions, and have a wireless ear piece to transmit results to you.
I've heard about some device where they got buttons or something which you push with your feet and then you get a read on what to do. You're quite right though, its much simpler just to do it yourself.


Well-Known Member

I don't see the point to card counting computers, it would be better to just learn to count yourself.

>>>>UNLESS<<<< the computer did more than just keep a simple hi-lo type tally. If for example it registered every different card and gave betting and play advice on this information, which may be of much higher sophistocation that just hi-lo and betting changes.
But for it to be able to do this the level of data entry and also advice recovery by the player would probably make it too obvious that you are up to something.

Thats my opinion anyway, feel free to pick my examples apart if I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
I saw these discussed on another forum....can't recall where. In all US casinos I know anything about, these would be considered illegal and clumsy use of them would likely land you in a place where you would have plenty of time to practice less obvious employment of such devices.


Well-Known Member
Mikeaber said:
I saw these discussed on another forum....can't recall where. In all US casinos I know anything about, these would be considered illegal and clumsy use of them would likely land you in a place where you would have plenty of time to practice less obvious employment of such devices.
That's what I thought from the start as well.
Look at the bright side, when you get caught using this device and your tossed in jail you will have plenty of free time to learn how to count.