BlackJack eXtreme is open for beta testing.


Active Member
The BlackJack eXtreme game site is now open for beta testing. You will need to sign up and select a screen name. Future logon will require email address and password.

If you have been to the site before, make sure you purge your browser (F5 in windows) before registering. You may have an earlier version being saved.

There are many changes and improvements to come, but I look forward to playing with all blackjack masters, and getting your feedback.

The website is and a shortcut to the game is (Dead link:

See you there.


Active Member
Let's play tonight ZG

Let's play, 9PM EDT. There's six chairs, I'll take one, you take one and invite whoever to join in. If that time doesn't work, you name it. You can even use your abacus to keep track of the count. It's two decks which shuffle if less than 26 cards left prior to new deal.


zengrifter said:
No, couldn't make it but I've asked David Pom to attend: Pom vs. Kasi! zg
Zip a dee doo dah indeed!

Thanks for the invite. Sadly I have a life, so can't attend either.


Active Member
Our apologies for this problem.

MrMaster said:
How do I test your game? I cant log in because it says "Can't connect!"
This issue comes up sometimes when trying to sign on from a company networked computer. They can be blocked by the IT department from game sites, no matter how tame.

If that's not the case here, let me review the steps. You will need to "register" and create a screen name. Once that is done make sure your cursor is active in the "email" sign-in box and enter your email and password. You will be taken to the lobby under the screen name you chose.

If you still can't connect let me know what browser, connection and computer you are using so I can call in the bug killer to fix it.

I'm sorry you are having this problem, and thanks for taking the time to report it. If you come to the site weekdays at 3PM CDST or Tues/Weds at 7:30 PM CDST we will most likely be there to play and can use the chat work through the sign in process.

If you can't make those times, just say when and we'll make a "play date".