Hello blackjackinfo,
I've been looking at the forums for sometime now and decided to make an account
I've picked up a few terms and like to separate them into what I think are good and bad:
Good :
SD - Single Deck
DD - Double Deck
DAS - Double After Splitting
H17 - Hard Seventeen?
LS - Late Surrender
BS - Basic Strategy
Comps - Casino Rewards?
Pen - Deck Penetration (good if its high otherwise bad if its low)
6D - Six Decks
8D - Eight Decks
ASM - Automatic Shuffling Machine
CSM - Card Shuffling Machine
FD - Face Down?
Heat/Sweat - Dealers, Pit Crews, Casino Staff giving you trouble
S17 - Not sure where Soft Seventeen goes
EV - Extraterrestrial Visitors just kidding, I really don't know
AC - Average counter
NS - No Splitting?
AP - Advantage Player
BR - Bank Roll
CC - Card Counter
Ploppy - Players not using Basic Strategy or Card Counting techniques
PB - Pit Boss
PC - Pit Crew
Nickels/Red Chipper - $5 Chips
Quarters/Green Chipper - $25 Chips
Black Chipper - $100 Chips
I know I'm missing a few more but feel free to add/fill in the list, and answer the unsure/unknown terms. Thank you!
I've been looking at the forums for sometime now and decided to make an account
I've picked up a few terms and like to separate them into what I think are good and bad:
Good :
SD - Single Deck
DD - Double Deck
DAS - Double After Splitting
H17 - Hard Seventeen?
LS - Late Surrender
BS - Basic Strategy
Comps - Casino Rewards?
Pen - Deck Penetration (good if its high otherwise bad if its low)
6D - Six Decks
8D - Eight Decks
ASM - Automatic Shuffling Machine
CSM - Card Shuffling Machine
FD - Face Down?
Heat/Sweat - Dealers, Pit Crews, Casino Staff giving you trouble
S17 - Not sure where Soft Seventeen goes
EV - Extraterrestrial Visitors just kidding, I really don't know
AC - Average counter
NS - No Splitting?
AP - Advantage Player
BR - Bank Roll
CC - Card Counter
Ploppy - Players not using Basic Strategy or Card Counting techniques
PB - Pit Boss
PC - Pit Crew
Nickels/Red Chipper - $5 Chips
Quarters/Green Chipper - $25 Chips
Black Chipper - $100 Chips
I know I'm missing a few more but feel free to add/fill in the list, and answer the unsure/unknown terms. Thank you!