Blackjack Life in Pictures

With quick thinking I snapped this amazing shot tonight. The cheques are part of my ratholed winnings, which I keep here on my computer desk. Kind of says it all.



Well-Known Member
What really does this say? Maybe that you have some serious housekeeping issues? Let me help you out here, clean your house. Take a couple of those chips there and hire a maid for the day.
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Roaches how gross ! Cash some of that money in a get some roach spray.

(Dead link:
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Well-Known Member
Are those from the new MGM casino or did Foxwood's change their chips too?



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Sonny said:
Are those from the new MGM casino or did Foxwood's change their chips too?

They're new dual-purpose chips for both casinos. Wow that pic must be years old, that's the real old style black chip.

I suppose keeping all those greens at home increases my RoR (Roaches on Ratholes) no?
MAZ said:
What really does this say? Maybe that you have some serious housekeeping issues? Let me help you out here, clean your house. Take a couple of those chips there and hire a maid for the day.
Hey I already have a maid. But I live in a condo building, not too much I can do about the roaches except send an exterminator to all my neighbors.

I think the pic came out pretty cool- you can see the translucent body of the cockroach illuminated by the flash.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
With quick thinking I snapped this amazing shot tonight. The cheques are part of my ratholed winnings, which I keep here on my computer desk. Kind of says it all.
Kinda reminds me of a friend I once knew.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
With quick thinking I snapped this amazing shot tonight. The cheques are part of my ratholed winnings, which I keep here on my computer desk. Kind of says it all.

Nice shot!

Damn cock-a-roaches.....

Did you notice the change at MGM- FW HL games this week?



Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Hey I already have a maid. But I live in a condo building, not too much I can do about the roaches except send an exterminator to all my neighbors.

I think the pic came out pretty cool- you can see the translucent body of the cockroach illuminated by the flash.
Place I lived in N'awlins a few years back hired someone to spray from unit to unit. Really just chased the roaches from one place to another, but kept them at bay for a while.

Some cats will get 'em but it can be gross if they get those big fat ones.

Tip if you got roaches: always check your shoes before inserting foot. My wife let out a blood curdling scream finding one with her foot.


Well-Known Member
yeah, Louisiana there seems to be nothing you can do about roaches, my house was scrubbed when i first moved in and we had roaches from day one, its this area i think



Well-Known Member
from the early training days when i finally learned how to shuffle... no computers just decks of cards, gone through, over and over...



Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Here's a slice of my pictorial BJ life.

Still can't figure out how it cleared :grin: :confused: :cool: :eek:
Sorry to reply to myself lol - just thought it was cool/ironic that a check drawn on the Federal Bank of the Mideast payable in dollars at a bank on the 14th floor of the World Trade Center 30 days after 911 when it no longer existed would still clear.


Well-Known Member
Hardware stores sell large boxes of Boric Acid, a cheap white odorless powder.

Roaches will NOT cross a line of it.

In N.Y.C., where roaches are rampant, people place a thin continuous line of it along the periphery of a room.

it works fairly well to keep the roaches out - until the powder is depleted. It is almost non-toxic. However, if you already have an infestation it will serve to keep them in. :eek:

Note: Cannot be used if you have cats or dogs, who will lick it off of their feet.


Well-Known Member
A tip, not ethical (or legal ?)

The following, I imagine, is illegal - is a bit like "check-kiting" - the process of writing a bad check and sequentially depositing money (via checks) from a series of bank accounts, in a timed fashion, in order to severely extend the time it takes for the reality of the check being worthless to emerge. In pre-computer times one could "float" a bad check for months on end with just a handful of bank accounts. Technology has changed all that; but there are still local "clearing houses" so ...

... IF I write a check and want to extend the time it takes to clear I run a powerful magnet several times over the data-encoded strip on the bottom of the check. This scrambles the data so that the check must be pulled from the queue and cleared manually.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
... IF I write a check and want to extend the time it takes to clear I run a powerful magnet several times over the data-encoded strip on the bottom of the check. This scrambles the data so that the check must be pulled from the queue and cleared manually.[/SIZE][/FONT]
You could also just print a check with non magnetic ink.

it would add a day, at best, to the check clearing.


Well-Known Member
real snapshot of blackjack life

i almost just posted a picture of my results for the 3rd quarter of my fiscal year 2008 but decided against doing so publicly.

needless to say, it is ugly. but it would have made a damn nice addition to this thread.

i'll just say that if you cant handle the swings (euphemism for nausea-inducing roller coaster?), this "life" isnt for you :whip::devil:
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Well-Known Member
rukus said:
needless to say, it is ugly. but it would have made a damn nice addition to this thread.

i'll just say that if you cant handle the swings (euphemism for nausea-inducing roller coaster?), this "life" isnt for you :whip::devil:
Aw. C'mon. We don't need no stinkin $profit loss statement anyway.

There's alot of pain far out that curve :grin:

Care to equate the pain with how far out :grin:

Do you try to figure your results globally - like taking into account all the diff games and spreads you may have used over time?

Next quarter will be better :)


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
Are those from the new MGM casino or did Foxwood's change their chips too?

wow sonny those are real old foxwoods chips, when did you get those? I remember those from when i used to go back in the day with my gandfather.