Blackjack results update


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I just had a tremendous session winning $759! My total tally since 8/15/07-12/12/07 this year is that I have bought in for $13,394 and I have cashed out $14,529! For a total profit of $1,135 after tipping and before you factor in the value of comps! Isn't gambling sweet!


Well-Known Member
Most players tip!

Despite the fact that most people lose money in the casino most players bet for the dealer. If you go to a restaurant the meal costs you money and I lot of people give the waiters tip money. You give the dealers tips to show that you appreciate the service that they gave you. I will ocassionally put out a $1 bet for the dealer so I don't stiff him.


Well-Known Member
Stradf said:
Who the hell tips at a casino?

"You helped me lose money, therefore let me pay you back a bit!"
since my casino hourly is around twice that of the dealer i now tip. but yeah, i didn't back when my unit $10.


Well-Known Member
Hope for a nice loss, soon.

Taxes will eat you up, if you have big pos. flux in variance at year's end. Comps are taxed, so add them in. Tips are not deductible, so back those out. Play until you are "lucky" enough to loose a bunch to variance for tax reasons.

Just curious, how much did you tip vs. your EV?


Well-Known Member
EV vs tip!

I don't exactly know what my EV is and I don't know how much I tipped. I don't even know how much I won for the year if you through in my other gambling and earlier years results. I assume that I have not won any money do to my loses in video poker and poker. Plus I probably lost earlier in the year. Besides the casino doesn't 1099 you for modest blackjack wins.


Well-Known Member
Wins and loses!

after I factor in gas and other gambling loses such as in poker I figure that I have not won anything overall so I don't have to fill out tax forms for gambling. Gambling tax forms are only if you win a big jackpot or get a major payout. Like you are playing the texas hold'em game in the casino and bet $10 on the bonus and get two aces with the dealer getting two aces for a $10,000 payout than the casino is required to fill out forms.


Well-Known Member
I'm an Advantage Player, not a CHEAT!

I'm not a cheat in any part of my AP life. I don't use illegal fake IDs, I don't CHEAT on my taxes, I obey ALL laws.

The game of Advantage Play is NOT and has NEVER been about ILLEGAL moves or methods!!!

Hell, I could make REAL money if I wanted to violate Federal Law!

I don't what money enough to violate my principals.

Federal Tax Law is NOT subjective.

If I CHEATED on my taxes, I'd be 1/2 AP and 1/2 CHEATER.

YES! I count every penny, as required by LAW.

Are you guys telling me that you knowingly and willfully CHEAT on your income taxes?

If you "think" "wesh" " or "suppose" you don't have to pay taxes, you may be a criminal.


Well-Known Member
I pay my taxes

For my job. For gambling I have lost over $2,000 playing poker so I'm negative for the year for gambling. Even though over a 4 month period I have won playing blackjack!


Well-Known Member
It takes a lot more than a coin

to get me to bend over, I'm lazy. If it were a green chip, aka a quarter, yes, I would log it and inform my CPA.


Paradox said:
I'm not a cheat in any part of my AP life. I don't use illegal fake IDs, I don't CHEAT on my taxes, I obey ALL laws.

The game of Advantage Play is NOT and has NEVER been about ILLEGAL moves or methods!!!

Hell, I could make REAL money if I wanted to violate Federal Law!

I don't what money enough to violate my principals.

Federal Tax Law is NOT subjective.

If I CHEATED on my taxes, I'd be 1/2 AP and 1/2 CHEATER.

YES! I count every penny, as required by LAW.

Are you guys telling me that you knowingly and willfully CHEAT on your income taxes?

If you "think" "wesh" " or "suppose" you don't have to pay taxes, you may be a criminal.
Truly you are kidding us. If not you need to wakeup and smell the coffee! You need to forget about the casino and start spending you time in the house of the Lord as a AP preacher. :flame:


Well-Known Member
Stradf said:
Who the hell tips at a casino?

"You helped me lose money, therefore let me pay you back a bit!"
I do. Did you ever work a job where your livelihood depended on tips? I'm not paying the casino, I'm tipping the dealer, unless I lose or unless they're a d*ck.


Well-Known Member
Paradox said:
If you CHEAT on your taxes, you ARE A CHEATER!
Are you one of those guys who buys something tax free in another state, and then fills out a state tax form in your own state so that you can get properly taxed? If the answer is, "yes," I have nothing further to say.


Well-Known Member
Paradox said:
to get me to bend over, I'm lazy. If it were a green chip, aka a quarter, yes, I would log it and inform my CPA.
It makes me wonder what your great secret weakness is? Do you have two wives? Have you ever murdered someone? Do you lack human affection? Whatever it is, I'll bet it's a doosey! You see, I happen to know that we are all human, and ALL humans have weaknesses and failings. Calling people who don't report every gambling nickel and dime cheats, sounds an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black. No reply is necessary.


Well-Known Member
Results update

I just took a huge hit now I have bought in for $14,394 I have cashed out $14,864 after i just took a $665 hit! I'm still ahead for the last 4 months that I have keepted tracked but this makes me much less ahead for the year. Now I'm only $470 ahead.


Cardcounter said:
I just took a huge hit now I have bought in for $14,394 I have cashed out $14,864 after i just took a $665 hit! I'm still ahead for the last 4 months that I have keepted tracked but this makes me much less ahead for the year. Now I'm only $470 ahead.
Wop di do !:)