Blackjack STrategy Simulator


New Member
Hi all, :grin:

I'm about to finish a hobby project of mine to make a blackjack simulator, that runs a configured blackjack strategy towards a real online casino. (Soon many)

It will be possible to configure a blackjack strategy combined with a betting strategy of your choice and save. My software will the run simulation towards the real online casino and publish the results. A top list will be published of the best strategies saved by the users of the site. It will be free to use.

The address this will be found on is (Dead link:

I know the site is a bit outdated, but I havn't had the time to finish the thing, since I ran into a couple of problems. The site will look very different when it's up and running sometime in january. It will be an Web 2.0 site using real-time updates so it's kind of exciting.

Is there any features you would want to be included in this, please let me know, since I will put the finishing work to it this christmas.

See ya!