Hope it lasts another 20 years anyway. After that, guess I won't care.
Although the game gets worse and worse. The tables fewer and fewer. In 10 years, who knows, multi-deck 6-5, CSMs everywhere and probably those multi-player electronic BJ games replacing llive dealers and the whole pit crew. All for the almighty buck.
Kasi: Actually there are more tables it seems every year. New casinos in Vegas and the boom in Indian and other gambling in various states has increased the number of tables. Today, I would say the percentage of tables with decent games is down, but the total number of tables with decent games is up if compared to 10 years ago.
So far, the multi-player electronic BJ game has been a dismal failure except perhaps in NC where you can have no other kind. I know a couple of casinos that tried it out and got rid of it quickly. Remember walking into this Indian Casino in California where every single blackjack table was loaded with players and on the end of a pit was this electronic thing with the dealer standing their idle. Asked him if anyone ever played the thing and he stated, "why would anyone?" Now I said, "so far" because the game manufacturers and the casinos may be a little ahead of the times here. You have a generation growing up that is used to computer games and they may be more receptive to this.
But, hey, we could still sit around and mess the flow up lol.
May the Flow (you must always capitalize Flow as it is sacred) be with you!
Believe me, I bet they'd love to replace the square footage of a pit with slots.
Table games actually increased a higher percentage than slots did in the past year in Vegas but slots is where the money is. What they would like to do is not totally replace table games but increase the profit on table games to where it rivals the percentage profit on slots and at the same time eliminate many of the jobs related to table games. Mindplay21 was for instance an obvious device invented to mainly cut pit and eye personell and cut comps, but it has failed because people refuse to play against it. Electronic BJ tables are a device where some cut out the dealer, you need less pit and less surviellance, and you do not need chips, reducing cage people since machines can cash out TITO tickets, but it is also a failure.
Overall, the problem that the beancounters, who want to make table games similar to slots have, is very very simple but may be impossible for them to overcome and number crunching will never do it.
Their problem is: The slot player and the table game player are very different. The slot player believes in the machine. The table game player runs away from the machine, be it, CSM, Mindplay or Electronic Blackjack.
BJ is only tolerated because men bring their wives who will play slots. And because any tourist is worth alot of money to them eating, drinking and staying in a hotel. Is it true they now make more money from everything else than they do gambling?
I partially disagree here. Low limit, $5-$10 blackjack is only tolerated for perhaps the reasons you mentioned. It costs a casino about the same amount of money to run a $5 table as it costs to run a $100 table. Dealers, cost of overhead, etc are nearly the same. The only difference is that you would assign fewer pit types to a $5 pit per table, as you would to a $100 pit.
So the low limit table, especially to a high overhead casino, is a convience for the player who probably plays other games,and eats, drinks and stays there.
So what have they done to the low limit game in the past 10-15 years.
Basically, on the Strip, they have raised the rent on that seat you are using. The CSM, designed to get more hands per hour, can be found at every casino, nearly always on the lowest of limit tables. There are a total of 0 CSM's in high limit rooms in Vegas. (20% more hands, means losing your money 20% faster)
The worst rules are found on the low limit tables.
The worst games, 6/5 for instance, is always there at low limit.
Many casinos will not rate for comps, the low limit player.
Must have been absolutely fantastic playing in the 60's! I don't think multi-deck was even invented yet.
My god, the fact they can still call 6-5 BlackjacK Blackjack, corrupting 300 years of what the game was known for, means we'll be playing something called BJ but it won't be.
I believe they are supposed to call 6/5, 21 and not blackjack but you are right.
When I get really rich, I'm going to tell the casino, if they want my $5000/hand action, I want a table in my room with one deck, say D9 and let me re-hit split aces. I bet they'd do it