Blair Hull - The House That Blackjack Built


Recommended by Hammer and reposted on the nonBJ board, Hull will run for USSenate in '04

Blair Hull - The House That Blackjack Built
How card whiz Blair Hull parlayed a $25,000 casino stake into a trading empire worth more than $500 million.

"...Hull, 59, a rangy, gray-haired sort whose clear hazel eyes set off his rosy cheeks, readily acknowledges that the blackjack pits served as his finishing school. "Blackjack represented my business and entrepreneurial training," he says...."

see nonBJ board

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: The House That Blackjack Built

Here's a look at another house that blackjack built. I hope one day to have a smaller chunck of that big wad that body rides, and to have a roof! ;>
