Blsck jack help


New Member
Please HELP, when a dealer plays one person and they bust, is the dealer allowed to change his card or does he have to keep that card to play the next person, as a relative changed his card every time he could, and I thought he could only change it after the first round until he has used that card and how many rounds is allowed, is it something determined before the game, as we are planing another night of cards, but need to know the rule for all.


Staff member
Whether one player at the table or many, the dealer has only one hand, which is not resolved until after all players have completed their hands.
If you want a full description of the game, see our Rules of Blackjack.


cassie said:
Please HELP, when a dealer plays one person and they bust, is the dealer allowed to change his card or does he have to keep that card to play the next person, as a relative changed his card every time he could, and I thought he could only change it after the first round until he has used that card and how many rounds is allowed, is it something determined before the game, as we are planing another night of cards, but need to know the rule for all.
Are you playing a multi attack blackjack game?


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
If you want a full description of the game, see our Rules of Blackjack.
Pay particular attention to the section "The deal of the cards". This should fully answer your question.

Here's an example that might help:
You and three other people are playing against the dealer. The first thing that happens is; everyone places their bets into their betting circles. Then, after all bets are placed; The dealer will deal two cards to every player, including himself (For European rules, sometimes the dealer only gets one card).

After ALL players receive their cards, and ONLY after; the play of the hand begins. It goes in order: the first player plays, then the second, etc. The dealer goes LAST, so this is why HIS cards do not change until the whole round is over and the next round begins.

Hope this helps --- :)