Books relevant to UK Blackjack


I read Kevin Blackwoods book and was all set to go play Basic strategy until it was pointed out that there were a few differences in American European blackjack...

ie Don't double on a 10 or A with a 11 showing in Uk wheras in USA double on everything except A.

What books do people here recommend?

I want to build up a library but would swap books with people if interested?


Well-Known Member
Thorp's 'Beat the Dealer' has a tiny bit on UK rules but it is hardly worth it, as he is talking about 30 years ago, when the shilling was around !! I too would like a few decent blackjack books on UK so if anyone knows of any :)


I've not came across any no hole card specific books. However, the only changes to basic strategy are:

Don't split 8's against 10s or A's
Don't split A's against A
Don't double 11 against a 10

As for indexes and some of the above changes, I believe the swing is probably that small, that it won't make very much difference to your overall EV.


Also, Renzey's and Snyder's books are great references and I believe you should have Blackjack Bluebook II and Blackbelt in Blackjack in your library. For a great read, you cannot beat Kevin Blackwood's book.


Just ordered Blackjack Bluebook II - and Stanford wongs book..

Watched 21 last nite..watcha think of it....??

Myself preferred the book but it was an easy watch..but the signal they gave for the high count....HMMM..maybe just vary it every now and then maybe?..Just looked very obvious..


Well-Known Member
Ha, the signal was extremely obvious. I think in SI, they rested their chin on one hand for a neutral deck, on the other hand for a hot deck, and on both hands for a scorching deck.

The movie was good for a movie, but it doesn't teach you much about card counting, which is good, because loads of dummies will think they can count in a week, disguising our play :grin:


21 was ok, far too much filler in it.

I really loved the bit when they said you should never split 8s against Aces. I nearly fell off my seat laughing. If if was based in the UK, it would be a different case entirely of course!!