dont they all get scanned?
i thought that when you played a scratch n win game you take it to the cashier who scans the card and pays what the lotto machine says. Whats the alternative? some moran has to read through the game and make some judgement? If the barcode was also under latex then that would be some security, but i imagine a scanner could be made that would read it anyway not to mention a machine that would just reapply the latex. but im pretty certaint he barcode is exposed. so then what keeps them from just scanning all the tickets before they sell them?
also look at the picture in the article. they act like the dude is just looking at the tickets and divining them. he is still scratched off 80% of the card to see the tictactoe spread, he just hasnt scratched off the 20% that tell you what numbers are relevant. i dont believe the part about returning unscratched tickets and getting a refund. let alone scratching 80% of it and being like "nah i changed my mind"
trying to link random **** to the mob is also the classic way everyone over 50 tries to make everything sound cool. "public swimming thats mob ****. under every swimming pool is bunch of corpses." its like the acceptible version of conspiracy theories