Breaking up fights at the Blackjack table!!!


Well-Known Member
I see other people verbally abuse players especially when they take a card that would of busted me. If the hit was a good basic stragedy play I will usually tell the other players that player made a good play even though that it did not work in their favor. I tell the other players that she did not know what card was going to come out of the shoe so give her a break!!! I think that the player that is getting picked on appreciates that and even the people that are giving her a hard time appreciate that. It seams like after I say something that the table has a better mood.


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
I see other people verbally abuse players especially when they take a card that would of busted me. If the hit was a good basic stragedy play I will usually tell the other players that player made a good play even though that it did not work in their favor.

So what do you tell the table when a guy decides to double down on a 12 against your 6 and gets the card that would have busted you?


Well-Known Member
I tell them that other players don't effect your results.

I would tell them that doubling down on 12 vs a 6 is not as bad as play as standing with 16 vs a 7. Although the play is not correct I would tell the other players to lay off of him because how other people play doesn't effect them. I would say you wouldn't give him shit if he happened to take my make card would you.


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
I would tell them that doubling down on 12 vs a 6 is not as bad as play as standing with 16 vs a 7. Although the play is not correct I would tell the other players to lay off of him because how other people play doesn't effect them. I would say you wouldn't give him shit if he happened to take my make card would you.
You could try tell them that other players dont affect the results. OR, you could use the much funnier method, and just laugh at the fact that you cost them money! :laugh:


New Member
Well let this be my introductory post here. :)

I think it is never appropriate to comment on someone else's play in regards to how it might have affected you or the dealer. If you are playing relying on everyone else to do something, then you are doing something wrong. Just play your cards and let everyone else play their cards.

I will usually intercede if someone tries to bully someone at the table. It is just rude. It doesn't matter if it is the right play or the wrong play. Giving unsolicited advice should be done with extreme caution, providing unsolicited insults should never be tolerated.

Or you could just call them out the next time you lose a hand because of something they did.