Bringing Down the House, Busting Vegas, and Breaking Vegas


Well-Known Member
I have read Bringing Down the House and have seen the History Channel special "breaking vegas" about the MIT blackjack team, but they seem to be somewhat different.

Are these 2 about the same MIT team?

Also, is Busting Vegas about the same team as Bringing Down the House?

Sorry, this all just confused me alot.




Actually, each... and other stories... are snippets of a team than ran over a decade (and still continues) and changed over players many times. zg


Well-Known Member
And for a while the original team had split up into three ancillary teams. The history of MIT blackjack is enough to make your head spin!



Well-Known Member
MIT ironically

is still acvtive to this day except in a different manner . The members today are way more secretive , smaller teams , travel more , and stay so far under the radar the russians would like to have their stealth technology . The new teams have become less greedy , and more sophisticated then the teams of old in a manner of speaking . My grandson goes to MIT and is attending Harvard next year for med school and has said the rumors of teams are more then rumors although he has never been privvy to ACTUALLY knowing any members . RUMOR also has it that their are many other teams out there from the best schools in the country such as Stanford ,UCLA, Wharton , Penn State , and others . There is even team Korea and Team China from what some have told me and it would not actually surprise me but that is just pit bosses have said and others on other blog sites so you may want to take it with a box of salt although I would not be surprised in reality . That is my 12 cents as I won a large poker tourney last night:) :grin: ;) :p :cool2: :laugh: :cool:


Well-Known Member
I'm fairly sure there are numerous teams operating out there. Its just that the good ones stay below the radar.Perhaps some even use public chat rooms to build a legend as an individual player,while in fact being on a successful team.Lord knows we see enough phonies claiming to be much better than they are. It would be nice if some were downplaying their involvements and skills.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am trying to find out if there is a team at my school, Michigan State, but it is very hard searching.

But we have 45,000 students, so there's GOT to be a team somewhere, or maybe I'll have to start one.


Well-Known Member
in reality

the teams today probably do not mimic the old teams at all as they know what the casinos look for and they downplay themselves greatly I am sure . if you make $2,000.00 to $4,000.00 a week and travel , eat great food , lots of ladies , and comps you can not complain about life . I am sure though you would get burned out travelling and etc all the time and having a life and a stable life is much better . The call of the wild is fun at first blush but then it has got to get old .:) :grin: ;)