ycming said:
I know there are factors that affects the no insurance rules, but I am looking at a rule of thumb an estimated advantage it gives to the casino without the no insurance rule ...... And isn't everything we do in blackjack based on estimations, with any count we are estimating the advantages.
Just like people can say in hi-lo per TC it gives the player an advantage of 0.5.
If you re-run the sim you posted above, but with insurance enabled, you will be able to see the difference this produces in the bottom line, and thus get a feel for the value of insurance under those playing conditions.
You could do the same comparison for a handful of 'typical' scenarios (e.g., different penetrations) and see how much this causes the insurance/no-insurance difference to vary. Take an average and that will probably be as good a rule of thumb as any.
The section on the I18 in BJA3 does give a methodolgy for calculating the value of the various strategy variations, including insurance, but I find it all a bit confusing to be honest.
The table of results given is for 4D, Hi-Lo, 75% pen. The figure given for insurance is 0.117%, but I'm not entirely sure what this means. (i.e. can we just multiply this by the average bet to get the $/round gain from insurance?) Maybe someone could clarify this?