I noticed something odd while going over the BS/Uston/Hi-Lo indexs.
The Uston index says to hit(or is it stand?) a pair of 8's if the dealer shows a 10 and the count is < 5.
While the Hi-Lo indexs show the cut off at < 7.
But since the BS tables are based on a count of 0, wouldn't that mean that the BS strategy for 88 vrs 10 should not be to split?
Blackjack Therapy, find ch11
hi-lo count tbl
(Dead link: http://www.s-a-g-e.com/countstr.html)
The Uston index says to hit(or is it stand?) a pair of 8's if the dealer shows a 10 and the count is < 5.
While the Hi-Lo indexs show the cut off at < 7.
But since the BS tables are based on a count of 0, wouldn't that mean that the BS strategy for 88 vrs 10 should not be to split?
Blackjack Therapy, find ch11
hi-lo count tbl
(Dead link: http://www.s-a-g-e.com/countstr.html)