Buy in amount?


Well-Known Member
What is the normal amount to buy in for? And if there is too big of a buy in, will the pit boss start watching carefully?


Well-Known Member
That is a vauge question. I would say 20-30 units if you are at a crowded casino and want to look like a typical player. You want to blend in and be unexceptional. It would be nice to know the chip level and table minimums to better answer your question.


Well-Known Member
let's say table minimum of $10 and betting with $25? I'm not too sure because i'm not old enough lol. I was wondering to help me figure out what exactly i'll be doing when i am old enough


Well-Known Member
Depends hugely on the casino in question, a large casino where high-rollers often bet $1000 a hand aren't as likely to sweat a $1000 buy in as a small casino. Then again, sometimes not.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
general thoughts

Better not enough then to much of a buy-in because:
Potential cage heat
Cash out refusal
Large chip stack heat
ID request
Robbery target

If playing rated; you want it recorded, often $100 to $500 should suffice.

It's far easier to buy-in for more then to cash out a lot.

Pay attention to buy-ins around you and the casino response, experience will help.